Thorniy Canker Powder?


Well-Known Member
Ok so the other day I puck up on some stem rot
I've been treating it with h202
2day I had 2 go 2 my local hydro store
So asked what action can I take against the rot
He suggested torn it canker powder
He said mix the powder in2 a paste and apply
2 the damaged stem and job done
I came home jumped straight on line
But the powder is 4 cankers in dogs ear ????
WTF I mean come on ??
But I do trust the guy from the store
As he has helped me with my grows b4
So I don't think he would Guide me wrong
But I'm unsure has any1 else had any experience
Of this canker powder or the stem rot


Active Member
wow ive never heard of that. but if he was right before n nevedr guided you wrong or never gave u bad advice go with it.
Ok so the other day I puck up on some stem rot
I've been treating it with h202
2day I had 2 go 2 my local hydro store
So asked what action can I take against the rot
He suggested torn it canker powder
He said mix the powder in2 a paste and apply
2 the damaged stem and job done
I came home jumped straight on line
But the powder is 4 cankers in dogs ear ????
WTF I mean come on ??
But I do trust the guy from the store
As he has helped me with my grows b4
So I don't think he would Guide me wrong
But I'm unsure has any1 else had any experience
Of this canker powder or the stem rot


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard of it either..... interesting, But remember just cause a hydro store sells it doesn't always me they are right. Sometimes I think some of these guys that run hydro shop have never even grown a plant


Well-Known Member
Lol cheers guys I think I'm gonna just try it
The affected plants r not doing so well ant how
So I don't think I will b losing anything
I'll keep u posted