This shtuff is bananas!

Capt. Caveman

New Member
I was wondering if there would be any applicable uses of ripening fruit in the grow room? Like I know that fruit(bananas especially) release gases when they are ripening, and can contribute to the ripening of other fruits around them. I think the main gas is called Ethylene, and maybe they release some CO2 as well? Could putting a bunch or two of ripening bananas in the flower room help ripen buds, especially if you wanted to push something for some reason to harvest a little early? Or if the ethylene wouldn't have an effect on flowers/fruit that is still on the branch, would the co2 be significant enough to make it of benefit to ripen bananas by your buds to up CO2 for the price of climbing a tree in paradise?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if there would be any applicable uses of ripening fruit in the grow room? Like I know that fruit(bananas especially) release gases when they are ripening, and can contribute to the ripening of other fruits around them. I think the main gas is called Ethylene, and maybe they release some CO2 as well? Could putting a bunch or two of ripening bananas in the flower room help ripen buds, especially if you wanted to push something for some reason to harvest a little early? Or if the ethylene wouldn't have an effect on flowers/fruit that is still on the branch, would the co2 be significant enough to make it of benefit to ripen bananas by your buds to up CO2 for the price of climbing a tree in paradise?

Idk about all that really. But I would say that you will have a ton of fruit knats in your grow room aswell.. know I do when I cure/dry my buds, "on certain" buds/strains that doesn't have a "great" smell to um, like my 8 Ball kush, I will place just a small handfull of lemon peel in the bottom of my dry box, just while the buds are curing, and it gives um a super nice smell & taste imo. But as to your ? I hadn't herd of that myself. Sorry I couldn't be of more help thouh bro.. I do know you could get a bag of "dry ice" and place it in say a small tote box, sit it in your grow room, and that will do the trick in letting off co2 gas 4 ya... I've done this and have to say it works 4 sure no doubt!! Well, hope it all works out 4 ya bro. Happy growing.



Well-Known Member
Use a good fan to stir up the air movement and get plenty of oxygen to the ladies . The ripening of the fruit is going to start a bug problem that will be hard to get rid of.

Capt. Caveman

New Member
You guys are probably right about that be an added attraction to insects, good point! I wasn't thinking to leave em in there until they were really funky or anything, just that I get a lot of green bananas that have to sit around in the heat here for just like a day or two until they are bright yellow, and figured that maybe there would be a way to speed up the last weeks of bud maturation. The lemon peel trick is tried and true, rehydrate a stale sack of buds about to bust in to dust and you can do like a quick reverse cure kinda thing that gives em that hit of some secret essential oil or ingredient that made the buds delicious to begin with. Nice tip for the dry rack though, thanks will try that! I know that some of the CO2 bucket generators are filled with decomposing stuff/composts that make for the gas. I think that might be why I thought of it.