This is normal? *PICS*


So I'm about 2 weeks into my DWC and I notice that one of my plant's are dropping their leaves after about 10 hours of light and also when lights are off. The tops look great and PH, PPM, Temps are in range so I not too worried. I'm just wondering if any of you have a plant do this for no apparent reason.

This one plant is the only one I've seen do this. It was a free seed from a friend's latest Attitude order.



Well-Known Member
It doesnt look like the "norml" looking 70 degree angle or so that seedlings and young plants usually show when under light... It doesnt look unhealthy, more than unhappy... Leaves should be high to the sky... If this is a shot of two different plants, the last two shots look good... Has to be some sort of a lil genetic thing or lack thereof if all your conditions r as u say they r... But, it could "snap out of it" and start growing better without any changes... Id leave it be since it looks "ok", and just keep those factors in check, and watch it closely... Probly nothin...


Active Member
It looks like its genetic. Just let it grow out and like Ganja said, watch it close.

5 bucks says it'll turn out to be nothing.


Well-Known Member
nitrogen could be low, micro nutes are probably low. pH at 5.8 (i know ya said its normal, but i just wanna make sure we are taking about the same value).

10 hours of light? whats the light cycle? you should be either 18/6 or 24/0 or so. i wouldnt give them less then 18 hours of light.

even the last pic, of your healthiest plant, appears to be lacking some nitrogen


Well-Known Member
How can u do that in a DWC system, though??? Nick17Gar may be onto somethin though, because I didnt pay close attention to what u said about the lighting schedule... U should be on a 18/6 photoperiod right now.... Light stress could definately be the reason for this... I would wait for as long as I could before I shortened the lighting period to induce early flowering... If u dont have the space, thatz another thing, but if u do, and want a nicer yield, then Id veg em for at least a month or two, before flowering...


All the pics are of the same plant. The leaves will start to hang like that around the 10 hour mark and stay like that over night until the lights come back on. The leaves don't have a waxy feel to them. They feel more like light sand paper. Like I said my buddy got some bubba kush and had some free seeds so I have no idea what strain this is since it was not labeled properly.

week 3
The light is on an 18h cycle
PH is currently @ 5.6 - fresh nutes
PPM @ 520 - tap @ 110ish

This is my first DWC so think I'm doing everything right just the plant has some weird moments :)


Well-Known Member
Drooping in DWC can be caused from lack of oxygen in the res. If that was the case you could drop the res temp a couple degrees or add airstones. I think the plants look fine.