This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so some website containing completely fabricated bullshit proved your point?

Oh, okay.

I see UB posted a picture of your bolt cutters...
It's also kind of sad that you think spanner is a made up slang term, when it isn't.

I posted a video showing them cutting the barbed wire and taking down the fence, maybe you should look at that too.

Sorry, but not sorry, you were as wrong as wrong can be. I misused a term, you made shit up. :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hello UB use this one a lot on fencing

View attachment 3585107
Hola, que tal? Yep. That Felco hand pruner has been used a few times. ;)

I wonder if any one in this thread knows how to stretch a barbed wire with those....where to grip and tension. Amazing tool that pulls AND can drive staples with the hammer butt, stretches wire, cuts wire. Pointed end can be hammered into the staple top and while the tool is closed using a rocking motion with the rounded head, the staple is backed out.
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Well-Known Member
Hola, que tal? Yep. That Felco hand pruner has been used a few times. ;)

I wonder if any one in this thread knows how to stretch a barbed wire with those....where to grip and tension. Amazing tool that pulls AND can drive staples with the hammer butt, stretches wire, cuts wire. Pointed end can be hammered into the staple top and while the tool is closed using a rocking motion with the rounded head, the staple is backed out.
I paid someone to install my barbed wire fencing. Much easier. Lols

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I paid someone to install my barbed wire fencing. Much easier. Lols
Pays to hire a pro.

I paid a crew to install 8' tough high tension "deer fence", about a mile of it. Graduated openings ground up. One barb wire run bottom and top. Paid $3.00/ft with 2 gates, one 8'W one 16'W. They took out the old barb wire crap, removed it from the property, used a special pneumatic driver to drive long T posts, set 3" iron oil field posts in concrete every 100'. Job was so perfect that after 11 years it looks like robots installed it. Today you can't touch that job for under $10/ft.


Well-Known Member
Well that was interesting. Thanks for the tutorial on fence mending tools. I'm sure I'll use it some day.

I've been watching this thread for a while. Its entertaining to see how people go off on their own tangent with such little information. All the way from predictions of range war to this will all be over tomorrow. Oh yeah and the lectures on guns and fences. Scintillating. .

Ok, I admit I'm biased against people strutting about with guns and proclaiming themselves the only keepers of truth. I admit that even though I hate police violence against unarmed people, when a person picks up a gun and uses it to threaten others, I'm looking to the police to restrain him. I do believe that Bundy and his men are threatening others by their takeover. So, knowing my bias, I made an effort to understand what they are trying to do. At this time, in my opinon, I feel that my bias was justified. Just my opinion, we all have one don't we?

Three things that I did not foresee when this started:
- The restraint of law enforcement. I expected (feared) another Ruby Ridge or Waco. But thus far, they have not brought overwhelming force. Is somebody actually thinking somewhere in the Fed law enforcement circles? Is "thoughtful police" an oxymoron?

- The bringing to light of how much cooperative effort that was underway between stakeholders at the Wildlife Refuge to resolve the issues that Bundy came there to "solve". Bundy is at least 8 years too late if he thinks he is "helping". Right now, he's just a Spandy in the works and in the way of real progress. His actions are relegated to symbolic ones now. If he thought the situation was like tinder waiting for a spark, he was all wet.

- Finally, how about the rancher that Bundy thought he was helping by removing that section of fence? The guy said he didn't want that fence taken down and has already paid his employees to fix it. The truth makes Bundy look like a turd.

This isn't over and its going to be a long time before a comprehensive reporting can be completed. Right now we are reacting to shifts in the wind. That's OK by me, its entertaining to see the diverse opinions being posted. Its just that when its all said and done, most of the stuff said here will be seen as BS.

Just my two cents. Carry on with the vitriol.
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Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Fire chief catching FBI agents posing as militia members and trying to stage a false flag at an armory to push a attack on the real militia.
Watch "BREAKING: Harney County Fire Chief Resigns. FBI Caught Posing As Militia At Local Armory" on YouTube


Well-Known Member
Fire chief catching FBI agents posing as militia members and trying to stage a false flag at an armory to push a attack on the real militia.
Watch "BREAKING: Harney County Fire Chief Resigns. FBI Caught Posing As Militia At Local Armory" on YouTube
Heres a link that says the fire chief did not say that.

An allegation that undercover FBI agents were caught posing as militia members in southeast Oregon splashed around the Internet this week, but the story’s purported source says he made no such claim.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to say that i have been seeing mentions that people are sending boxes of dildos to these guys. Dildos. so they can have some brokeback mountain moments. In the cabin. Alone. At night. HAHAHAHA. That is what america thinks of people like this. That they should fuck each other with dildos. LMAO. Im stoned, thats funny.


Well-Known Member
It's also kind of sad that you think spanner is a made up slang term, when it isn't.

I posted a video showing them cutting the barbed wire and taking down the fence, maybe you should look at that too.

Sorry, but not sorry, you were as wrong as wrong can be. I misused a term, you made shit up. :)
The difference between a spanner and a wrench is one is imperial and one is metric.


Well-Known Member
Fire chief catching FBI agents posing as militia members and trying to stage a false flag at an armory to push a attack on the real militia.
Watch "BREAKING: Harney County Fire Chief Resigns. FBI Caught Posing As Militia At Local Armory" on YouTube
Its like -- you know this is true because it was posted on the internet!
Oh, that's right, now something else was posted that refutes this. So that must be true too!

Disinformation on the internet travels faster than the speed of light.

I know, your mind is already made up so, I'm wasting my time, but... This situation is too complex to be decided by one liners or one report. The truth travels a lot slower than disinformation but brings light with it.

By the way, I watched that rambling speech by the passionate ex-fire chief. He never said anything about FBI posing as militia. He said he met undercover FBI that didn't speak truthfully to him. That's the truth.
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King Tut
Wouldn't a drone strike on these armed insurgents put a quick end to this?
It would make them martyrs and likely start a civil war imo. I believe that this is the major reason why they (the government) have been pretty laissez-faire in their approach.