This Has Happened Twice!


Well-Known Member
Im currently growing in a dr80 grow tent with a 120w LED light panel, I did have a bubble bucket going but it died the same death that this plant is heading for, it is in a soil/perlite/vermiculite/compost mix.

Can anyone one tell me what to change to make my plant grow normally?

I'll upload a picture later, the leaves are going brown at the edges and curling up. The parts of leaves that aren't brown are light green.


Active Member
A pic would help but if its starting at the tips its probally a nute problem . It sounds like your medium as you desribe it could be a little hot for your babies .. is your compost aged ? Fresh compost can be pretty hot till its aged ... I would personally flush real good..expecialy if your using a prefertilized soil and compost ( you didnt mention what kinda soil ) and then watch the newgrowth .. whats browned will not improve ... no need in watching it .. good luck -

p.s. I may change my mind after a pic = this is just an initial guess on what you have provided


Well-Known Member
The first picture was taken on the 21st when inteded to upload it and the second was taken just now.
I only got the cheap compost from B&Q.

But i used a bubble bucket the first time and it did the same thing only slower.


Well-Known Member
Switch your soil out for anything besides what your using. You should be able to find pro mix at your local hardware stores...Buy some perlite and mix like 25-35% in for drainage. It looks like they are being burned by cheap soil or overwatered....In the first picture the soil looks super moist and the roots likely are suffering from anaerobic conditions and not recieving enough oxygen


Well-Known Member
Te mixture I used for that was:
12.5% Perlite
12.5% vermiculite
25% Compost
50% Top soil

What would you recommend or is there one premade I can buy in the UK?
Top soil is garbage. Its got lots of crap and sand and shit. Get "Potting Soil". I tried putting some clones in a mix with some top soil, and they all died. Potting soil gives me like 85% clone success rate. Or just get some FFOF, or happy frog.


Active Member
There is a huge difference between top soil and potting soil. You're also watering too much.


Active Member
Pretty sure you could get Promix HP ... Atami B'Cuzz Hydromix HP ... Sunshine #4 ... those be the 'standards'.


Active Member
That soil is to wet!! I dont think it matters what soil you start seedlings in? Mine started to grow in a towel and grew bigger then them, I forgot about them for about 6 days in a wet towel. Come back and there was 4 seeds trying to get out. So im not to sure it matters..... Now when that seedling gets about 2 weeks old you wanna change pots and when you do change soils to Fox Farm Ocean Forest..


Well-Known Member
im in agreement with the over watering those look soaked and you probally burnt your seedlings trying to feed them

you shouldn't water until their dry they need to dry out this makes your roots stretch looking for water


Well-Known Member
That soil is to wet!! I dont think it matters what soil you start seedlings in? Mine started to grow in a towel and grew bigger then them, I forgot about them for about 6 days in a wet towel. Come back and there was 4 seeds trying to get out. So im not to sure it matters..... Now when that seedling gets about 2 weeks old you wanna change pots and when you do change soils to Fox Farm Ocean Forest..
ive been thinking of the ocean forest soil but i heard it's pretty hot for young plants


Well-Known Member
I had just watered it in the first pic, but it still hasn't dried out. Defiantly drowned it. I used 1/4 strength formulex when I started the seed. Should I start the seed between wet kitchen paper using non-fertilised water? I'm going to go to the hydro shop tomorrow and see what soil they have. I spent quite alot on the tent, LED, and ventilation I was beginning to lose hope.


Well-Known Member
I have read them all, I doubt I'll mix my own soil again. The same thing happened in my oxypot, could the pump not strong enough?