thinking of opening hydro shop


Well-Known Member
LOL yh i only hit you down coz your a cocky fuck and if you was gonna LOL your not now ...HAHAHA
and for real you need cash ,..! something i got alot of ...and you got none of ..!!


Well-Known Member
LOL yh i only hit you down coz your a cocky fuck and if you was gonna LOL your not now ...HAHAHA
and for real you need cash ,..! something i got alot of ...and you got none of ..!!

Thats the most pathetic shit i've ever heard on the internet to this day....
Ive got loads of money ... you got shit.....
God damn get a sex change you little girl...... Just cuz your poor and i am doing good doesnt mean when you come on the internet and say stuff like that, that you'r actually wealthy..... OMFG

I bet your a poor skanky fuck..... eats fish'n'chips and doesnt brush hes teeth .... lol...... get lost wanna be..... I was just helping this dude out and you come along and start flirting with me like a little girl about how rich you would like to be and how much you got fuck'd up the ass in england..

sorry i dont like gay's or tranis

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Now go and drink your pain away in a pub......


Well-Known Member
eats fish'n'chips and doesnt brush hes teeth .... lol...... get lost wanna be..... I was just helping this dude out and you come along and start flirting with me like a little girl about how rich you would like to be and how much you got fuck'd up the ass

OK lol i hit a nerve ..!! shit lol and yh im poor living in england ,,,,,
And start flirting with you lollololol
so i guess no girls hit on you HA hahahah
shit ....that might be what you want ...but i think you the gay ....


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh now I understand you .... You wanted to get back on me cuz i said you should get lost talking shit about biggie & 2pac ! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL how could of not remember'd the psycho ^^

here you goooooo ^^ You still angry.... LOOOOOOL I THINK I HIT A NERVE !

omg... poor thing.... poooooooooooor thing.. you'r rich talking like that.... DAMN WE SHOULD ALL BE RICH

rofl lmfao ^^


Well-Known Member
LOL wow you havnt hit my nerve LOL
but i must say i coulnt care but all im saying is (made-in-china)
you need 2000 of the item less so as you can tell you and many people have no chance
Fucking losser


Well-Known Member
LOL is this why you say i doesnt brush hes teeth
66% of america's water has FLUORIDE in it .......98% of western europe has rejected it..
its you guys who dont need to brush your teeth coz the fucking fluoride does it for you ..


Well-Known Member
oh fuck off...... really man u havnt listn'd to what i said have you...

go and fuck your 2000 items.... and i wish you all the luck being a dickhead..... ^^


Well-Known Member
every single fucking thread you're on you mince up.


I think you'd need a good website too, they always help when promoting.
As it's the internets :D


Well-Known Member
LOL yh coz a site promoting your hydro Store LOL HAHAHAHAH i dont think a site would LOL

Oh sorry, i must be stupid as i didn't realize people CAN'T make there own websites promoting THERE Stores.

Damn i really must be stupid..

You truly are a fucking retard.

Maybe you should stop typing the first thing you think of and actually READ what someone has posted..:evil:


Well-Known Member
When people come into your hydro shop..

you : hey can i help you with anything?

person : nah just looking.

you : Ok cool, well take this card, check out the website, i'll be setting up a home delivery system soon, just in case you were worried about the cops or whatever..

Shit, put the fucking website adress on the front of the shop, on the receipt, on the bags...

You're a moron..


Well-Known Member
OK lol thats funny LOL
i can see you got fucking no change of making a sell let alone make money ....
i want you to do it coz damn what a fucking retard LOL

LOL and WTF is This
you : hey can i help you with anything?

person : nah just looking.

you : Ok cool, well take this card, check out the website, i'll be setting up a home delivery system soon, just in case you were worried about the cops or whatever..

Shit, put the fucking website adress on the front of the shop, on the receipt, on the bags...

You're The fucking moron..try it lol i LAFF IN YOUR FACE >>>


Well-Known Member
LOL i know its not you how asked about the hydro store but i still like beating you down ...

WoW When i start beating you you wont have any fingers to type... but hey its the internet and you feel strong ;)

congrats ... :mrgreen:

Now go and get a sexchange to be acting like a pussy ^^


Well-Known Member
Ok im 23 and i can see your a little kid .

"When i start beating you you wont have any fingers to type"
LOL WTF your a big man ....Now whos feeling stong on the interner

..and all this about sexchanges LOL im starting to think youve already had one ...Shit