Theres light leaking into my drying


Well-Known Member
I have my harvested plant hung in the basement for 3 days already. Light will leak into the place they are at..not a lot but its a leak non the less...

Will my bud still be potent? I still plan to cure them in the dark/mason jars.

on a scale from 1-10 how big of a problem is this?

Advice? i do not have any fan to extract air to make dry so i put in the basement.


Well-Known Member
as long as theres no significant amount of light on them for any period of time they will be fine. Be sure to check on them as you dont want to dry em out too much.

Make sure they dont get moldy either, basements can be really humid/wet.


Well-Known Member
My humidity is low in the basement.. Its like the garage..

Temp stays around 55..and humidity is def. under 50.. I just hope the light doesnt fuck with my high..

I wanna take a stem down so bad n smoke it but i HAVE to wait lmao


Well-Known Member
The only light that will hurt it is intense light, such as direct sunlight. It doesnt need complete darkness like when you're flowering.