there leaves look retarded ?? PICS


Well-Known Member
I forgot to water them for about 8 hours or so cuz i as to bizzzy tripin on shrooms in jersey but whats does this mean the stupid crooked leaves ????

how do u think shes doin shes bout 9 days in 10/26/08

when do i start givin her nutes and shit should i use the ones in the pics ?

am i usin good lights i got 2x 23w-100watt lights cfl

one of them is a Daylight Compact Fluorescent Light but i dont kno bout the other one here are sum pics of the plants grow box and the lights



Active Member
are you using a soil that contains nutes? could be the factor of your slightly twisted leaves. should always start with more than you plan on having, could end up being a sausage party. wouldn't recommend using any of the fertilizers you have posted. all are general purpose plant foods. it's good to have accurate mixtures for each stage of growth.

Phily Kelly

Active Member
I wouldn't worry about the plant missing water for 8 hours (these plants are originally from hot countries so can handle it)
I agree I wouldn't be using any of that miraclegro stuff your better off getting ferts that are produced for your needs


Active Member
Im not a expert but the soil looks pretty moist, so i wouldnt worry about not watering all that much! when u transfer that plant into a biger pot, the soil ur using might already have nutes in it! Also like they said i wouldnt recommend, miracle grow what so ever! i just got some hydro gear from jersey, so i know they have grow shops there, or where ever you live!


Active Member
And i dont know, if u know but ur definitly ganna wana step ur lights up tho, thats not nearly enuff, on 1plant you better get like four of those cfl's & the highest watts you can find, & i think u want them 6700k for veg. & like 2300k for flower! but still better to get stronger lights i think u can find hps's for like 30-50 bucks on the web.