The "What I did wrong" Thread

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
i think the biggest noob mistake is OVERWATERING!!! i hate seeing plants that have big ol' swollen fat blades on the leaves. it drives me bat shit crazy when i see it.


Active Member
Sprayed Neem Oil early in the light cycle and pretty much killed everything in a 2 week perpetual!! That really sucked:( Oh yeah, and about every other mistake know to mankind, but the Neem Death was the worst:)


Well-Known Member
I gotta bump this thread! Idk why it lost activity it was such a good idea and gave me good reading!

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
1. Let my roomate work in the room. He was watering everyday.
2. well. Ive never nute burned my plants... Buy an EC meter! they work! Bluelab truncheon has lasted me years.
3. dont mess with the grow room while youre drunk or too high. I've unplugged pumps and forgotten to plug them back in when im done working. Almost lost a 40 clone batch that way,,, twice


Well-Known Member
all my mistakes.. lol so many to count.

- I didn't have proper ventilation in the room, temps would reach upper 80's and 90's in the summer. A/c was vented in to tent.

- My first harvest i wasn't aware the plants could grow inches a day, and I would come home from work and 1 or 2 colas would be real close or touching the 600w hps. Luckily i only burned a few colas and wasn't too badly.

- I overwatered seedlings/sprouts. I overwatered clone rooters by soaking them everyday as part of watering.

- Didn't put my lights close enough to the seedlings and some stretched.

- I actually only harvested too early once.. my first grow Snow white. But it was cause i fucked up the nute situation and the plant was very very deficient and I flushed too early.

Other than that here and there i'll forget to water the moms , or maybe not switch the timer when the hours change.. LOL


This is all useful information for those like me who are researching before getting into the biz! Keep em coming folks. It is good knowledge to have!


first faulk up light not close enough to the plants/ get them a close as possible without burning them. \
second letting smeone know i was growing which lead to me harvesting to early outta paranoia. turns out that was a good thing cause forced me to get a mmc.
third underestimating how hot lights can get, build something anything to suck the heat from your 1k lights away, dont waste that heat! if its winter time route that hot air to a bedroom closet warm up your house a lil
be humble and learn from others it will save you heart ache


Well-Known Member
Invertebrates stealing your calcium

I have always watered with aquarium water. This works great for organics.

My mistake arose when I added invertebrates to the fish tank. Hundreds of dwarf shrimps. Dozens of giant shrimps.

That's fine right? They poop a little different from fish and complexify the aquaponic brew

except invertebrates leech calcium from the water to build their exoskeleton with, and to help with molting

this mean SERIOUS calcium deficiency, and sick plants. which was hard to diagnose for me because calcium is a rare one... usually being even in tap water

now I supplement calcium. not just to the plants but also to the aquarium


Well-Known Member
NEVER NEVER NEVER OVERWATER YOUR PLANTS!!!! Let them FULLY dry out before you EVER water!!! Over watering kills!!!


my biggest mistake was using a gallon jug that had previously had dish soap in it. I thought I had it all clean-I used it for watering and ended up killing half my plants...BIG MISTAKE


Active Member
I vegg'd my plants to pre-flower then they out grew my room during stretch. I had to learn emergency super cropping.