The weed god(s)


Well-Known Member
Evidently the common consensus is that the symbol above her head is a Papyrus symbol yet a simple search for "papyrus" symbols/hieroglyphs doesn't really yield anything close to the same depiction. Since the pictorial nature of hieroglyphs and the stylized symbols that are found are often grouped together in like sets and then roughly translated I would suggest that the image depicted in a few instances just may have been misconstrued. Papyrus hieroglyphs were quite common and are far enough from the 7 pointed image shown that I would be interested in specific translations where an image more similar to the one I've linked is used as Papyrus.

The wiki link notes that a citation is needed over the actual symbol above her head as being definitively a papyrus image.
Maybe you misunderstand.. I in thought don't disagree with you as the references and pics do resemble the likes of cannabis. As most references dictate it being the Papyrus plant, when shown a actual picture of it and given an interpretation it would appear it is. I would choose to go with the evidence provided before making a leap off of preferred reference without further knowledge. So I'm not trying to wrong you but if you make one claim give more reason to believe it is the other. I gave my reasons as why I thought it may indeed be our "cannabis" goddess beyond it just look likes it and so did Karrion. So I will help both our case out even more for our thinking it may be the "cannabis" goddess. I said she was known as the goddess of writing measurement. Here is why?

The ancient Egyptian goddess Seshat (above in her role as the Goddess who measures) is depicted with a hemp leaf in her head dress. Pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1479 to 1425 B.C.E.) called her Sefkhet-Abwy (She of the seven points). Hemp was used to make measuring cords. Seshat was the goddess of libraries, knowledge, and geomancy, among other things. Spell 10 of the Coffin text states “Seshat opens the door of heaven for you”.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
That's really interesting. Back in the late 70's, I was in Baltimore and lots of folks wers smoking something called DMT. I smoked it once and thought it was awful. Had a terrible chemical smell and taste. One or two hits and I felt like I was inside my own personal glass I was separate from everything. I think somebody could have come in and started shooting people or hacking their heads off and I would have just sat there in my glass coffin, watching, but completley detached emotionally. Truly hottible stuff, that stuff they called DMT.

So hearing this, now Im wondering what that stuff really was that I smoked.

LOL on the vomiting...yeah....anybody who has ever munched peyote has had the "rainbow puke" experience! I wasnt so much worried about the puking as I was the possibility of, oh, I dont know....maybe deciding I should fluy off the roof or something. I think Id want a friend to be with me, just to make sure I didnt have any flying notions or a sudden conviction my dogs were werewolves and must be killed with a silver hammer or something. Without more (a LOT more) info on what to expect, Im just either too chicken or too smart to try Yage by myself.

Ive had plenty of experience with psychedelics, but MOST of them, at least you KNOW you're hallucinating. SOME, like Belladonna or Jimson weed, you actually believe everything you see IS real. (wont be doing Bella or Jim again, either) I dont know which way Yage goes.

Screw it....Im too old for that crap, anyway. If I cant get there with MJ and wine, I prolly dont need to go there at all. Know what I mean?

LOL! Of course, the occassional Margarita doesnt hurt. Or a cannabutter brownie. Or, maybe a Margarita AND a cannabutter brownie......



Well-Known Member
That's really interesting. Back in the late 70's, I was in Baltimore and lots of folks wers smoking something called DMT. I smoked it once and thought it was awful. Had a terrible chemical smell and taste. One or two hits and I felt like I was inside my own personal glass I was separate from everything.
Sounds like a dissociative... Could have been PCP. That's not to say this couldn't happen with DMT, but doesn't quite sound like it. Do you know what color the stuff was?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
well if im lead to believe this utter nonsense, all i can say , is the freakin weed gods, praise the ground, i walk upon,cause i be smokin sticky trees ,of fine mature, green goodness .


Active Member
yeah i think it shiva the destroyer.... i believe they celebrated for a week and all of these religious guys come out of the mountains and smoke..... some of the stories talk about shiva surviving by eating marijuana leaves as like a been a while so correct me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
Hey I plucked this from a mythology site, unfortuneatly there are no links from and this is all the page said,

Cultivation and use of Cannabis started in China and it was transmitted to India about 4000 years ago. Indian Cannabis Mythology informs us that Indians revered and respected the plants and animals as they believed that there are spirits for plants and animals including human beings. Upon death the spirits wander around the earth and it is essential to make these spirits happy. Marijuana and other intoxicating cannabis products have major roles in these rituals.
In Indian Vedas, Marijuana has got a sacred position. It is termed as a spiritual item suitable for freedom of distress and as a suitable medicine for relieving anxiety. According to Indian mythology, Cannabis is a gift from God, which can cure many diseases. It is believed that cannabis with its magical and spiritual powers lowered fever, cured skin diseases, stopped dysentery, fostered sleep and many other ills. The curative powers of Cannabis are believed to be extraterrestrial. It is assumed through Indian Cannabis mythology that it can stimulate appetite, improve judgment, foster thinking, prolong the life and bring youthfulness. It is true that many of the Indian mythological beliefs about cannabis are proved true scientifically in the modern world.
Indian Cannabis is usually taken as bhang; a cannabis concoction in milk. Bhang is used in all auspicious days including religious ceremonies and marriages. Similarly the derivatives of Indian Cannabis, Hashish or charas are widely used by Indian sadhus like followers of Lord Shiva. The Indian sadhus, solely working for attaining liberation, use Indian Cannabis and believe that God is present in the smoke patterns of cannabis.
Indian Cannabis Mythologies also reveal these products to be stimulants of sex and energy. These are glorified as energy sources for military conquests. Bhakti (Worship) in Hindu mythology is emptying mind from worldly distractions and cannabis is the best consumable for attaining this. It is very interesting to know about mythological stories of Indian Cannabis, which can lead your thinking process in unknown regions. Hindu epics narrate many uses of Indian Cannabis for religious and social purposes.....

that web page was,


Active Member
very interesting so is that like saying part of the religion is built with marijuana as its pillar? pretty cool lol

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
its funny how humans tend to think if there not interupted , ...........typical teenager ' why did my dealer not turn up ' errrrrrrrrrrr 'must be the weed gods ' lol


Well-Known Member
its funny how humans tend to think if there not interupted

Then there should be one of these after every post you make.... or one of these...


The Atheist Apologist of your likes are No different then the Religious Apologists that bombard your neighborhood and televisions with their asinine rhetoric. Sure its a open public forum but the vast majority on here are not trying to convert anybody but discuss the aspects of their Spirituality, Philosophy, and Sexuality.

You started your thread and said lets debate. Well nobody is looking to debate you here. It is a discussion. If you don't want to discuss or have any input to the OP's topic. Then don't take part.

The vast majority of threads started by spiritual/religious people on here is them wanting to discuss the aspects of their Spirituality, Philosophy, and Sexuality. Besides those that come far and few between trying to sell you the notion to change your ways, nobody is trying to convert anybody into nothing. It is however a consistent MO of others wishing to do just the same in opposite of what claim they hate most about religion.

I never feel like I'm being converted or pressured to be this or that. I just like to hear how people think and share my ideas with them. Maybe my ideas will change the way they think, maybe their ideas will change the way I think. Either way it was an exchange and I/them don't have to explain shit about the way I/them think. Its up to the person reading to digest and reason what is being said that will prompt them towards making a decision to think of things differently.

Day in and Day out on this subforum its the same thing. This shit is more annoying then a bunch of JW coming by every other week and sticking their foot in the door insisting not to leave. Yes, I want you to go the fuck away. Not because you don't have a just reason for your beliefs. I may agree totally with your beliefs but right now I would care to hear you discuss them and not add the same asinine buffoonery thats akin to the same people you claim who hold beliefs in God/gods...

If you don't have input to the discussion thats additive to its ongoing then just step the fuck off... Go start another thread or, join in another discussion that will allow you to share additive thought to the ongoing topic. Threads get derailed because it always comes down to somebody trying to change somebodys opinion instead of just sharing theirs..

Don't get mad...

Go get a hug, a puppy, or Grow some Dro.. Sumtin!!

And no hostility here from me bro just sharing my opinion....:-D


Well-Known Member
Right! What would you rather? or what's more productive to human kind? Be in support of peace, or Be against war?