The Weather & What I'm Gonna Do About it


Well-Known Member
Looks like September crept up on me and the weather becomes an important factor in the roughly 8 weeks to go... maybe 7:weed:

Anyhow- I decided to juice which I do about once a week in this stage and neglected to check the weather. It's been so nice. After raining down the Kool-Aid, actual rain came down and washed the itsy bitsy spider away.

Or so I thought.

It wasn't torrential rain, but I thought enough to effect the saturation levels. Did not seem to be a waste at all, plants became moderately vigorated. So I juice the girls on weekends, then had the freshly learned lesson kick in and checked the weather.

Rain for the next two days- nothing serious, thunderstorms and a lot of 'light rain.'

More importantly, followed by a hot dry spell.

Reaction: OK, first thing I do is spend a few minutes shaking off the plants. Nothing crazy, maybe 2-3 times a day, give em a little Rattle Snake Shake.

Second thing I do is hang back on my watering/juice attack until the sunshine does its thing. I'll let the pots get dry them give them what they crave. And they will suck it up like a wino on a fresh popped Cherry Hill Boones Farm.

Pictures shall commence. Peace.IMG_20200901_132537.jpg

Plants beginning to flower nicely here...