The Texas Heat


I am new to growing and my seeds will arrive in the next day or two, and I'd like to get started ASAP as it is late in the growing season. I am growing outdoors in the lonestar state but I'm worried about the heat. It's 100+ every day for the majority of the day and it's only going to get more hot going into August. Is this a safe climate to grow in? Any suggestions? I plan to spray my plants with a spray bottle every so often to keep there temp down. Any suggestions and opinions are fully welcomed! Thanks!

EDIT: I'm located South-west, more west than south if that makes sense. ^_^ Thanks!

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I am new to growing and my seeds will arrive in the next day or two, and I'd like to get started ASAP as it is late in the growing season. I am growing outdoors in the lonestar state but I'm worried about the heat. It's 100+ every day for the majority of the day and it's only going to get more hot going into August. Is this a safe climate to grow in? Any suggestions? I plan to spray my plants with a spray bottle every so often to keep there temp down. Any suggestions and opinions are fully welcomed! Thanks!
Yeah man your state has been having a serious heat wave and those 100+ temps are definetly not condusive to growing, but that said try a couple seeds out and see if they look like they can take it. If you had the option of going indoors that would probably be ideal for you because of your climate.


Yeah man your state has been having a serious heat wave and those 100+ temps are definetly not condusive to growing, but that said try a couple seeds out and see if they look like they can take it. If you had the option of going indoors that would probably be ideal for you because of your climate.
I wish I would go indoors but due to who I am living with it's not even an option. Would visiting them every few hours and spraying them with a light spray of room temp water be good? It wouldn't be over-watering since it's just spraying the leaves ever so lightly and it should keep them cool right? The seeds I chose are tough ones for outdoors. I knew I may run into this problem so I somewhat prepared, also I have been reading so many insect problems, how do I prevent this?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i used to live in rio hondo near brownsville ,i don't think you can get any further south in texas west of here is laredo very dry find some shade ,don't spray during the time the plants are in full sun they will burn

you'll find more people here who can helpTexas growers unite!


i used to live in rio hondo near brownsville ,i don't think you can get any further south in texas west of here is laredo very dry find some shade ,don't spray during the time the plants are in full sun they will burn
I'm straight west from San Anton, shade means no sunshine though? Spraying them while in direct sun = water heating up and burning them? What do you suggest besides shade, because shade just will prevent them from feeding off the sun correct?


partial shade, plants still grow under trees that are shaded
I'll see what I can do, not many trees around here but I'll try my best, I guess it's a run and crash course for the first plant or two, also that's a morning glory right? Very nice if so. ^_^ Thanks for your help also!


Active Member
plumeria its hawiian ,they make the lays from the flowers
IMO It's to late in the season to be starting outdoors. You wont get hardly anything for a yield, and its way to hot to even try to get something to start growing, just wait until next year, or start indoors then move outdoors or just do all indoor, thats just my opinion bro. Good Luck


IMO It's to late in the season to be starting outdoors. You wont get hardly anything for a yield, and its way to hot to even try to get something to start growing, just wait until next year, or start indoors then move outdoors or just do all indoor, thats just my opinion bro. Good Luck
Well my plants say they are ready to harvest 55-60 days FROM THE SEED, it also notes the harvesting months for them are November - October. I am in Texas remember, we do not have many frosts come by...very rarely, during the winter season it stays at 50 degrees. So I don't think it matters how late I go till, and if I start indoors would it be bad to put them on my window seal? How long should I let them grow indoors until moving to outdoors? I'm new to growing, any tips would be amazingggg! :)


im growing an im from the mcallen area. i started in may and my plant is freakin huge now! it is about 4.5 feet tall and stinks like a motherfer. i don't think the heat will do anything, mines growing just fine. but thats just me and it is also my first time growing


New Member
IMO It's to late in the season to be starting outdoors. You wont get hardly anything for a yield, and its way to hot to even try to get something to start growing, just wait until next year, or start indoors then move outdoors or just do all indoor, thats just my opinion bro. Good Luck
I agree about it being late TO START SEEDS OUTSIDE. Seedlings are pretty delicate, I think you will have a hard time unless you can start them inside unless the weather changes low nineties as a high. Once they are bigger and established they can take some heat. You still might want to try but i'd try bag seed right now.


I agree about it being late TO START SEEDS OUTSIDE. Seedlings are pretty delicate, I think you will have a hard time unless you can start them inside unless the weather changes low nineties as a high. Once they are bigger and established they can take some heat. You still might want to try but i'd try bag seed right now.
I plan to germinate them inside and let them get use to the heat on my window seal for the first couple weeks, then I will transplant them. Do you think a couple weeks inside would make them tough ladies for the outside? I'm willing to do anything to keep there temp down I can visit them often, any suggestions please. I have my soil mix planned, germination planned, I have yet to plan how often I should water, what to feed them, and I plan on growing them in big pots so they have room to grow with the soil since the soil here is's rocks. Any opinions on watering and what to feed them would be great, I'm in a small town which I'd be getting most of my stuff from Home Depot. :(

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Aight man this is what i'd do. Start them inside under some cfls, Home Depot has got some good ones. Get the highest wattage bulbs possible at 6500k a couple 2700ks would be good too for a better spectrum. Once your seeds have sprouted put them on 18/6 light schedule for three, four weeks if you can then transplant to your bigger pots and put them outside. I'm on a low budget grow so I've been using Miracle Grow all purpose feed, which they have at Home Depot as well. You should also get some Super Thrive to go along with the MG and switch between that and just water every couple of days. The Super Thrive you're gonna have to get frome a dro store including the bat guano, liquid seaweed and or other food you'll need during flowering.


New Member
The Super Thrive you're gonna have to get frome a dro store including the bat guano, liquid seaweed and or other food you'll need during flowering.
maybe, maybe not....Lots of HDs and Lowes carry Super Thrive, maxicrop (seaweed), lots of nurseries carry guanos these days.


Would a camo 5 gal bucket be noticed where your grow is? If not, you could get a drip tube going. I'm in TX too, and the heat has been a killer, but I still have seedling autos coming up outside. My purple lady mom just got put outside a couple of weeks ago and she's doing great. Just be diligent with the water. One day of Texas heat without H2O can do some serious damage.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
maybe, maybe not....Lots of HDs and Lowes carry Super Thrive, maxicrop (seaweed), lots of nurseries carry guanos these days.
Really? Damn you learn something new everyday! Appreciate the info I stand corrected.


Well-Known Member
yeh im in Texas too...Central Texas! It does get hot but i think it'll about to start my first grow b4 the end of this week...i got a couple auto-flowering and some bagseed since its my first. I'll b growing outside as well. Im goin the Hemp Bucket route tho :)....i might throw a couple in some soil....Hydro FTW!