The Stoned Gamer Techno/Trance/Progressive House Radio


Well-Known Member
I am the owner/gm/dj, pretty much the king of every role. I have over 22,000 songs so if you have a request just send me an email using the contact form. Also, if you are a DJ in the genre's listed, get ahold of me. We are always looking to add "resident" dj's or have you mix live or play your tracks on our station.

If you guys haven't noticed i frequent the forums here and i have sent in requests on advertising here but have recieved any responses. I am not upset, i figured this would be a great way to get the message out to everyone. If would like some advertising, i would like to discuss that as well.
If you have a business that is in the demographic of mainly males 16-34. Then please contact me. Either through here or on the site.

I am also looking at doing ad exchange's with some people. If you do have an add, i can get you my size chart, your add need to look "web 2.0".

If you are interested in listening, adverting, griping, or anything, goto:

Thank you everyone at RIU :o)