The Sleeping Giant is Waking


Well-Known Member
I think you've said it clearly enough and want to thank you for your honesty.
I watch American TV and agree there is a certain demographic that seems to influence the others.
I think you have every right to be mad and would like to see more of this attitude from your fellow countrymen.

I watched the original Rollerball last night and the plot seemed just a little too close to prophecy. In the movie the main character {an all-star athlete} questions the motives of the "Corporation" and wants to know who ultimately makes the decisions.... it doesn't workout so well, when you start to question the corp.


Active Member
I hope these come faster so feminists and fundies will shut up....but they will find some other way to tell people they are living their life wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mojo, and others that live outside the US,

Does your news make the US situation sound dire? Here it's like, this happened today, now on to Honey Boo Boo.....


Well-Known Member
the blindness is brought on by society. a pill to cure an ill. an excuse for every issue. like clayton said. small amount of rich people control the media, the food, and the masses of this country. there are only a small percentage of people that have there heads out of there asss' .

at the first word of change or questioning your considered a communist, fascist, anarchist, conspiracy theorist.

i always wonder when people are going to see the big picture.
how do we sustain.
we live on a finite planet, we learned this shit as children yet we are still taught to buy and consume and compete like its a never ending cycle of wealth and resources. at some point we got to come together and see shits not going to be able to continue the way is is now.
at what cost will everyone else be paying for us to continue living like a bunch of consuming hogs for another 50 years? how many innocent people are going to die so some bitch can fill up her bmw for 3 bucks a gallon and drive 40 miles to get her nails done?
im 24 years old, i would not bring a child into this world because i am not confident that they would have a chance at a good life. this is absolutely fucked.

something has got to change.


Well-Known Member
It's not conspiracy when you cen see it is happening. Americans just do not want to believe it. There is a huge difference.

I'm sure there are many forums specific to this topic. That it isn't addressed much here, is no surprise. Americans have been conditioned to buy, buy, buy, and to "compete wiht the Joneses". TV has been a major player. Americans want a giant house, a new BMW, Mercedes, Corvette, nice name brand clothes to show off their worth, etc. Status is way more important here than character or education. Americans have been mesmorized by reality tv (that isn't realy reality in most cases). They care more about the Houseives of whatever city, Honey Boo boo, Kardashains, etc, then they do politics. Nearly half of Americans get their news from FAUX news and beliebe whatever opinion served as news and swill fed them. They base their votes on 30 second videos horribly distorting the truth, so they have more time for video games, watching movies, etc. Think I am exaggerating? Look at how fat we have goten. That is another thing, nobody cares about the dshit they stuff in there face. Nobody seems to understand the importance of only 4 corporations producing all of the food, or 4 corportaions owning the vast majority of media here, or Monsanto's control of the Soy market. That wall street has been able to do what it has is the clearest indicator of all that nobody is paying attanetion. There is no accountability and the thieves have taken over.

I'd like to think that it is just self fulfilling prophecy and I am mad, but I cannot see it any other way. It's all around, just open your eyes and look! Americans do not want o think that the "dream" is over. They are driven by materialism. I don't know what else to say.
Yeah, all of that is a fucking mess. And none if it has to do with conspiracies. I think our government is screwed up too, and that is not because of one man or another or because of one party or another. And, based on that belief, I think the government screws up so much that they would be likely to screw up all these conspiracies they are supposed to be managing. I just get tired of the nonsense paranoia about FEMA coffins and Obamacare Death Camps or whatever.

A while back, someone figured out to make quick, fast food for American's on the run. American's liked this. More people made fast food, more Americans paid for it, and now we have companies that devote research to making the food cheaper, faster, easier to mass produce, and perhaps even more addictive - and most of all, more profitable.

Where's the conspiracy? Greed, laziness, etc. That's all there. It doesn't take a conspiracy for things to get all screwed up.

The media might condition us, be we have to take responsibility. We whine about what the media does to our kids, yet we abandon our kids to the media on a regular basis. And, unfortunately, better parenting isn't the "simple" answer.

In addition to the issues you mention in your second post, American's spend too much time finding immediate causes to a problem by singling out one group or another, don't look deep enough into causes of real issues, and focus to much on make-believe problems like robots and FEMA coffins and whatnot.

When I look at the problems in our society - greed, laziness, lack of responsibility, etc., etc. - I see problems and not conspiracies. I wish I could see solutions - I really think ending the War on Drugs and shifting money into primary education is one big solution. Drugs can still cause crime and problems, but I think if we had an education system that was the envy of the world, we would see a lot less crime, drug abuse, and all sorts of other problems. Maybe that's just a faith I try desperately to hold on to and nothing more.

To be brutally honest, I would get the hell out of dodge before the shooting starts. I'm an outsider looking in and the U.S seems to be imploding, the country has some very serious issues it needs to attend to.

I hope {seriously} that the "conspiracy" theorists are just quacks and that the things I'm seeing is just hyperbole.

I feel for you guys {my fellow North Americans} and want you to door is always open
Canada has requirements last time I checked - ones I do not meet. They actually have a test on-line somewhere, or used to. We're lucky - we have somewhat decent and stable jobs - as far as any. If I ignore my pessimism about America, I would really, really, really like to move to another state. Can't do that - too damn old to pick up and start over since we are stable. With that being the case, I don't see how I'll ever get out of the country.


Well-Known Member
the blindness is brought on by society. a pill to cure an ill. an excuse for every issue. like clayton said. small amount of rich people control the media, the food, and the masses of this country. there are only a small percentage of people that have there heads out of there asss' .
I know about "a few rich people" in control or vs. the many. Blaming them is a cop out. I really don't think some old dudes sat around a conference table one day and decided American's would get hooked on Bieber and Psy.


Well-Known Member
society and the media shape everything.. if you were born hitlers son, i dont give a shit what you say, you would have grown up to look up to your father. until some sort of learning, or personal experience shaped you to think differently. right and wrong is a very gray thing now a days and this is because of society. i was brought up and baptized a catholic, at this point in my life, i despise religion..
growing up, i looked up to my dad, thought everything he said was right because he sucks down the media like a slurpee and is a die hard republican. it took me until i was 20 years old to realize my dad is a moron and everything he believes is utter bullshit and propaganda. it was my life experiences and traveling and experiencing other cultures.. i guess the knowledge that makes me think how i do now.

look at other countries, even extremely poor countries. dont have even close to the murder rate we do in america. your trying to say this is not because of our culture and society? then what is the reason?


Well-Known Member
clayton , we already know your take on china . you posted a video of it on youtube back in jan 2012.



Well-Known Member
I can't speak for everyone in Canada, but I feel that the majority of the news is so abundantly fragrant in it's posturing that it sickens me at times. Events that I find relevant and worth discussion are more often then not seen on satire news shows such as The Daily Show and The Colbert report. And although it's meant to be a light hearted jab, it's more accurate then most mainstream media news when it comes to the more important events of the day.

When news is sensationalized just for ratings it nullifies the extent of the content, dumbing it down into political sound bites, which then is easily digested by a fast food society. No one seems to savor the intellectual stimulation of an actual debate now least IMO anyways.

It says a lot when comedians make more sense then the elected officials.


Well-Known Member
China is the enemy now?

Did we skip over Syria, Iran, Canada and North Korea or just run out of time?