The Search Function


New Member
Ha....ur exactly right....I did a lot of reading n watching before i jumped into an official "grow".....I had started several plants throughout my life only to get sidetracked n say fuck it....I sold weed for a long its not like I was "new" to the whole I do raise a little garden everyear and have several shrubs trees n plants around my house n yard that I've either raised or maintain...but I'm with u on wondering basically "where do some of these ppl come from"????...a lot of thes ?s asked on here are common sense AND things u just gotta learn for urself from trial error n experience....I like to get help when I need it n i also like to give it but damn!!...I think some ppl on here fit this discription(just started smoking weed n its real cool so I've been surfing the web n since smokings cool I bet growings real cool so ima do it)....ha....i mean yeah its cool n everything but every old dummy that smokes shouldn't jump into a grow cause they got the $ to set it up n a computer to ask ?s....there really is an art to it to do it well....I'm involved w my plants...heavily...I've def found my passion....i honestly mainly use this site for entertainment...yea I've learned on here but most of what i learned i figured out for myself or I researched on my own....I've found about 10ppl on here that give me sound advice...and i do appreciate the ones who are sincere in there efforts to help me....