The Scrog Club


Well-Known Member
Ok. Finally as promised. Its time for the harvest update. The first pics were taken the day before chop, and the jarred pic is from today, about a week and a half after chop. The harvest weight from this side was 15oz 27 grams. It would have been closer to 18oz, but the widow runted out compared to the others and only put out 24 grams. So between the 2 harvests(the whole screen) I got 32oz and 2 grams. These weights are of actual buds only. I ended up with about 4.5oz of popcorn fluff. I used some to make my last batch of butter, but the rest is going into the upcomming bubblehash I'll be making. I'll post how that goes when its done. I have kind of high expectations though since the last round of bubble gave me over an oz. So, on to the pics, I hope you all enjoy, and any comments or questions are welcome.

And here's the widow, you cant tell in the pic, but it ended up about 50% purple

and here's my jars of goodies. This herb is fantastic. It has an incredibly strong smell and taste and a high that really knocks you on your ass. Everyone who had the pleasure of smoking it said it was the best herb they have ever had. I cant even describe either the taste or smell, dont really have words for it other than strong and great.

And before anyone says it, this stuff could have gone another week or two, but it had to come down before the big 420 party I had at my house because the smell was so strong.


Well-Known Member
It works anywhere, and especially well in small and confined spaces. I dont know how people make it work without one.
okay thanks, i think i have the idea of scroging down, but im not to sure. you move the node/branch into a whole you want it to be in once it gorws through the screen right?


Well-Known Member
yep, and if it it is still in the stretch, you just keep moving them to keep all the branches at the desired height until the stretch stops.


Active Member
i was told that i needed a male to produce bud on the female??? can some one message me about this pls


Well-Known Member
i was told that i needed a male to produce bud on the female??? can some one message me about this pls
Not even close to true. If you read around, you will see you want your girls out of contact from males from start to finish, if they get pollen on them you will get seeds and the quality and potency will go way down. Only use males for breeding not growing herb to smoke.


Well-Known Member
you simply just move the branches away from the main stalk. The whole process is a branch tip grow up through the screen by a couple of inches. You pull the tip down back under the screen through the hole its currently in, move it over a slot or two as nessasary away from the main stalk, then push it back up through the screen in its new position. Repeat on all branches until just before the flowering stretch stops. Your goal is to have a nice even canopy of branches about 5-10" tall when the stretch is over. Dont expect to get it perfect on the first run, but you should be able to get a real good idea of how to do it and mke it really good still. and the next run will probly be close to perfect.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Only use males for breeding not growing herb to smoke.
well, in actuality, you could pollenate a selected/marked branch for the purpose of making yourself some f2's. the quality of the smoke wouldn't be diminished. and if it were, it would be negligible.
you simply just move the branches away from the main stalk. The whole process is a branch tip grow up through the screen by a couple of inches. You pull the tip down back under the screen through the hole its currently in, move it over a slot or two as nessasary away from the main stalk, then push it back up through the screen in its new position. Repeat on all branches until just before the flowering stretch stops. Your goal is to have a nice even canopy of branches about 5-10" tall when the stretch is over. Dont expect to get it perfect on the first run, but you should be able to get a real good idea of how to do it and mke it really good still. and the next run will probly be close to perfect.
thanks man, yeah i dont think ill get it perfect on the first run


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or are most of those jars filled too full? Or is that a bit after drying and curing that picture was taken?


Well-Known Member
The jars are a little fuller than I usually fill them, but its not packed and pressed in there. They were fully dry when placed in them, so Im too worried about mold or anything. But I have been making sure to burpo them for longer than normal when I do it and mix them up good when I do.


Well-Known Member
I hear smart pots are out of production this year because the company can'y use the same material, and they decided that the size of the holes were too specie specific. They have the Superoots Air Pots which might not be as good (still better than normal pots), but they look nifty and you can reuse them more.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
CO2 enrichment works great, but it is very hard to dial in correctly on a timer. Your best bet is to save up and do it right the first time and just get a co2 controller. They are fairly expensive, but the cheapest one that is worth buying is the one mad by Hydro Innovations. Here's a link for that one.
It saves you all the calculating(which is almost impossible to get right) because it is very hard to calculate accurately since most rooms arent completely sealed. Mine for example, I did everything I could to make sure it is sealed, and I still have a leak somehow. Having the controller helps you know that as long as you bottle isnt empty, your co2 ppms are perfect.
As far as the bottle, they dont last long at all. In an average sized tent 4'x4' a 20lb bottle usually lasts 1-1.5 weeks. They are also kind of a pain to get filled on a regular bases, and might raise suspicion if you're in there getting it filled every week. If you can have the space for if a co2 generator is far more efficient. I use the Hydrogen MiniGen and water cool it, but the water part is optional. here's a link for that...
It is very small and does a great job. It also geenerates a very small amount of heat(when not water cooled) that is easily manageable. And for the efficiency side, a 20lb propane bottle lasts me 3-3.5 weeks and can be exchanged anywhere(gas station at 2am if need be) and is slightly sheaper to fill than co2. Thats my 2 sents. Even if you can get the generator, you should still use the controller on the bottled stuff and cook up a good excuse as to why you need to get it filled every week or so, for example you use it in an aquarium for underwater plants, but you may have to do a little research on underwater plants because when I used that excuse I had the luck of having someone with interests in that and he started asking questions about how I like to set up the filters on my tank because his suck and he wanted to change it.
That little story of the underwater plants gave me a good rip roaring laugh, only because I can see myself thinking up some obscure reason as to why I need this particular thing only to find out it's an avid orchid grower I'm dealing with. Thanks for the good laugh

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a question for you integra, would you please in picture format show us how you go about making your hash? I have the trim from my partners grow in my freezer and next weekend I'll be chopping my girls. I'm also wondering, his girls were mainly indica, mine are mainly sativa. Would you mix the trim or make separate hash from each? Any opinion on that thought?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a question for you integra, would you please in picture format show us how you go about making your hash? I have the trim from my partners grow in my freezer and next weekend I'll be chopping my girls. I'm also wondering, his girls were mainly indica, mine are mainly sativa. Would you mix the trim or make separate hash from each? Any opinion on that thought?
Yeah, I have two garbage bags of trim and popcoorn buds in my freezer. So when I make hash(somethime this week) Ill make a pic tut just for you. Its very easy to do. Just takes a long time from start to finish if you have a lot of trim. Im sure a lot of people will give me crap for saying this, but if it were me, Id mix the shit out of them. Should make some killer hash that gives you a nice combination of head high and couch lock. I bet that shit would fuck you up royaly as long as the herb its from is decent.