The right led grow light

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
Okay guys here goes. I have 2' x2'x6' grow cabinet. It was 2 cabinets but I knocked the bottom out of one of them and glued the 2 together for one cabinet. Anyway I tried a 400w hps/mh but it was way to hot even with the 6 inch inline ductfan it couldnt cool it. I heard that leds are better for not generating heat. So if any of you are knowlegable on leds feel free to post suggestions.


Active Member
Check out the "ufo" led grow light you can order them with different spectrums and use some cfl to pump up the lumens

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
Yeah Ive checked those out and that may be a option. The most I will have to spend is $300.00 but i think i can find something decent for that price.