The Purpose Of Life


Active Member
The purpose of life is to live it. Stop searching for the answer, you won't find it. Your not meant to know the purpose of life. I went through a phase where I was looking all over for some sort of answer. The best thing I did was just let go and live my life.
It takes some people there whole life to figure this out. It took me 40+ years!!!!
Life is to be enjoyed and celebrated. It is okay to wonder, but too much time into thinking about it and you will go crazy.

My wife has had some life changing issues, and she is stuck wondering what "life is about".
I worry about her constantly, because everything is "why".
Stuck in the mud, when the answer is just in front of her.

The purpose of life is "to live life".


Well-Known Member
I can see the purpose of life as a learning experience for the essence and that 2 things in life never stop,change and experience.Basically my interpretation for the purpose of life,is that it is a perpetual metamorphosis of the like we dont fully understand,we just know its there.