The Official Ghetto Growers Group


Active Member
wuts up concord. i was just saying in general lol. but no pics from this harvest =,(.... i ended up with 13 1/2 OZ of SSH and almost 7 OZ of Blue Dream. maybe ill use a lil ghetto bargaining a get myself a good PC... haha. oh i got a PM saying i dont belong here any more..... cuz the HIDs itraded for? lol well peace. keep up tha great work everybody!

If i had the spare cash layin around i'd build you a computer for some of that. XD


Well-Known Member
here are my attic autos at week two.DSCI0140.jpgDSCI0139.jpgDSCI0135.jpgDSCI0136.jpg As you can see one of these kids is doing his own thing and doesn't belong. It is some kind of mutant mongoloid tard plant but I will try to love it as much as its healthy siblings at least until it gets in the way and I need the space. As for the others I think they look healthy. They are thick stemmed and the nodes are on top of each other.


Well-Known Member
hell yea, looks good bro
do u know what strain? looks pretty indica dom
ne ways they look great, even the mongaloid thing lol

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
man, the others look great, that one though just aint right, ive never seen anything like it, LoL. you can name it "handi-weed"


Well-Known Member
heres my vegg room. mother plants arent in to great of shape, a lil low on N..
but heres my clone dome, built for FREE FITTY haha its just serane wrap tapped over an old night stand. layed a towel on the floor and spread a plastic bag over it to make a good water tight seal around the bottom. it works awesome, within 10 mins of closing her up you can see the water vapor forming and dripping


Active Member
Dood. I work in a nursery and when we get a plant like that we usually pull it. Those kind of mongoloid tard plants frequently result from a virus. It could be genetic abnormality in the seed also (mutant) so you may want to grow it out and see what she dances. Maybe you get some serious kronic.


Active Member
So here's my predicament. And I know I've come to the right place for advice. I'm growing two plants at a time and I haven't got it synchronized well yet so my last yield is down to my last 1-good-hit. I've been recycling my smoke too using a bread bag. Well I'm nicely baked right now on the second to the last hit so I'm contemplating this pretty hard right now.

Should I chop now and do a quick dry and start curing my shit while smoking some chloroweed for the next week while the shit cures.
Should I prune a piece off and do a quick dry and let the plant grow some more.

I've probably got enough to last me until the next plant is ready.

Keep in mind this next week is going to be really challenging for me on an artistic level I'm writing my thesis defense and I like to smoke to keep my edge.

I know it mad-ghetto to chop early and quick dry.

Below is photo of my ghetto grow op. And the closeup of the plant cola is where she is at. I know she could go about 2 more weeks.

I'm really suffering on this decision.



Well-Known Member
how far into flowering are they?
iv always found that i end up happier when just snipping off enough to get me by till the rest of the plant is finished. let the top, "prize" buds finish up. but pre mature chloroweed can still get you pretty baked lol so chop her if ya need tha smoke. i mean thats the point in growing, right?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I don't know the strain, but I do know the breeder. I ordered the short stuff mix from attitude. So they could be anything that shortstuff seeds carries. they do all have the fat little leaves.


Active Member
This is awesome! I read all the way up to page 90 and have decided to skip ahead!

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Growing for the first time.. or atleast growing in a semi-legit way. I am looking to update this thread throughout the whole process, and would love criticism and suggestions.

Currently, my setup is as the pictures look. The lights are these lights. I am using two right now but will be using 4. The soil is scotts garden soil and moisture control miracle grow potting soil. I have 6 plants that have just been put in the solo cups with a hole in the bottom of each. I will be taking 2 and putting them in a bigger pot and then taking the best one from those two and put it into one larger pot and only have one in that trash can. I have ordered some things and they should be here within a week. I plan to have that lid closed and have a ventilation system instead of the large fan that you currently see. It is only open until I get my supplies.

I am using just bagseeds that I have saved over the years... I am not sure what kind they will be. A lot of them came from mid grade but I know I have put good ones in to the mix so I am not sure at all what I will get. Please critique and suggest!!!!!

These are the things I have coming to me

Advanced Nutrients Dr. Hornby's Big Bud Powder, 130 g
not sure how to use this yet....
Springfield 91551 Digital Humidity and Temperature Monitor
use this to monitor everything
pH Control Kit - General Hydroponics
will use this to control the ph.
Thermaltake Mobile Fan II External USB Cooling Fan - Us

I plan to use the fan on top and a hole at bottom to get air flow.
Lasko 6-Inch 2-SPEED White Clip Fan
this will help with cooling

Miracle-Gro Perlite - 8 Quart
I will mix this in when I get it
Stanley 31200 TimerMax Indoor Weekly Digital Timer, White
will use this for setting a schedule up.. any suggestions?
2x Leviton 128-00I Twin Light Outlet Socket Adapter, Ivory
I will be taking off those metal around the lights and using these and using all 4 of the lights I bought instead of just the two I have right now

I plan on getting the best yield possible. I also want to grow this fast, short, and plump. All suggestions would be great!!!!! I will be updating the entire time.

I have heard something in the past 3 days that I did not know. You can take a mid-grade seed, and make it into a headie plant by growing it the correct way. I can't believe I have never heard that in my life.

I have done really silly things in the past when I have "attempted" to grow but I was younger and it wasn't "serious." I really am trying to make this one work. Along with my trip to home depot and the online order I just purchased I have spent $160. Other than that I have spent hours looking at the forums and years getting seeds... not that that was hard .lol... that was the fun part!!!

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Added 4 more. Did not want to waste the ones that germ'd.

Also, I think I am going to grab a 6500k bulb for vegetation purposes. Suggestions? I have read that you can use both 6500k and 2700k at the same time and just take away the 6500k bulb when flowering. Should I use all 4 2700k cfls, and one 6500k bulb? Two 2700k on both side and one 6500k on top?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
sounds like your on the right track, good luck man. i use 8 bulbs, 6 - 2700k and 2 - 6500k for flowering, i had something on why to do this, just cant find it right now, but has to do with the light spectrum. theres alot of good info here and alot of real good growers, most will help if you have questions. this has been a great thread. welcome to the ghetto, LoL.


Active Member
Yes! I read in a thread about 5000k and 6500k was good for vegetation because the light intensity during the summer months are longer and stronger. Then at flowering use 2700k because the days are getting shorter and not as intense sunlight. I know I will be using the 4 2700k 23watt ecosmart cfls, but I want to surrond the plant as well. I could have the 4 around the plant and maybe 2 6500k for the top looking down with a y-connector. Also, some where I have heard where they take some a plant branch and stick into the same pot leaving it still attached to the main female... does this work?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
if i remember correct, mixing spectrums will help the plants flowering growth. i have always used a 3:1 ratio, for my veg box, i have 3 6500k and 1 2700k and then the other way for flowering, but 8 bulbs. all of mine are 23 watt. side lighting is a good thing for sure, planning for that in the future, LoL.

yes, i remember reading that, was it in this thread or another? from what i remember, they said they had unreal redults doing this. it might be in my old thead, i'll look for it.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, found it, this was written by Am I Norml, havent heard from him in a while, i think he posted about this in this thread somewhere.

ok the trick is you need one with a growth tip and it needs to be low enough to reach the dirt.... then you just snip off the end like your topping it but instead of leaving it like that you dip it in water and then rooting hormone and stick it in the gives you a second rooting site besides the main stem and will make your plant bring on a vicious burst of vegetation and flower production as soon as the first roots pop on it. a week into flower is fine...never do it after 2 weeks of flower tho or you risk a viciously agressive hermi that will pollinate to do it in the last 2 weeks of vegg before you flip the lights but one week into flower is fine also.


Active Member
:bigjoint:Oh sweet! I am totally going to be doing this! I saw the pictures and the logic of it seems logical. Also, I am trying to grow small bushy but dense and high quality at the same time.. maybe around 2 feet? What would be the best way? I have seen LST and getting the extra tops but I also saw once on here that someone accidently chopped off the top and it made the sides Flooourish... is this true?:leaf:

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
if you cut the top off, it will give you more tops, once they form, you can tie them down, Low Stress Training. heres a couple pic of my first plant, new bean, she was sweet. i topped her day 12, and then later tied her down, the pic is what i ended up with, 5 main colas, would have been 6, but i broke off one of the branches pulling it down, gotta watch that, LoL. got just over 2 oz.

