The New Guy


Well-Known Member
ok so i walked into my growroom the other day. i had a pot in floor from a seed i tryd to sprout a couple weeks before, well i had it under the lights 4 a while an jus said fuck it an took it out cuz nothin was happing. anyways i seen the pot had a sprout in it!!! it looked preety sickly an bent side ways reachin for the light across the room. but i was like hell yea an put it back in. its lookin alot better now an i hope it goes well. im just amazed that after not being water for so long how is this possiable? well check it out let me kno wat u think



Well-Known Member
I can't help but notice it's droopy... no not really but the leaves are curling down. How often are you watering?


Well-Known Member
yeah me too also are you giving nutes? and are you balancing your waters PH?

good luck , keep us posted~


Well-Known Member
no I thin 6.0-6.5 is more ideal Marijuana plants tend to like their water a bit more acidic. Go to the FAQ section and it will tell you all about it. I am in the third week after seeding and I am giving nutes...............


Well-Known Member
well i burnt the fuck out of my other baby with some cheap fert so im going to wait until i can get some better to feed it.


Well-Known Member
ok its about 2 weeks now an things look good but i got some misshaped leaves i dont think its much to worrie about but i figured id ask though. one is curling down in on itself and the other one is like droopy but just the end is curling yet it looks healthy, any take on this:confused: thanks




Well-Known Member
im hydro, so I cant be for sure about those leaves. I had the same problem, and figured out I was overwatering. Went from 3x, to 2x a day (much different than soil) and it stopped, and the leaves start perking up after a few days. GL


Well-Known Member
ok every thing seems to be goin ok except for i burnt a leave. im not 100 percent but i think from my lights because only the 1 leaf was burnt. so it might have been to early to trim any thing but i did any ways. so that more light could get under the top. well i havent seen any negitve effect from the cutting but if theres something im missing please help me out


