The murder of John F Kennedy ..Grassy Knoll assassins positively identified! (shock)

Martin Timothy

Well-Known Member

911 was not the only outrage carried out in broad daylight on American soil..

The other was the killing of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas Texas, on 22 November 1963.

Coretta King appears to be looking over the shoulder of a foreground figure, in this detail below from the Moorman Polaroid taken during the assassination. The red spot shows the location of the weapon, identified as a "Short Sam" version of an AR 15 rifle, in the super enhanced pic a la the Badgeman pic below, that has disappeared from the internet, which also positively identifies the third tramp Charles Frederick Rogers, as the gunman.

The "pinwheel" pattern is where the flash dissipated thru the flash hider at the muzzle!

This is the original pic taken that day, enhancement of the corner of the rotunda wall...

Carried out by a supercomputer, which individually scrutinized each pixel in the Moorman print...

Revealed a uniformed figure believed to be Gordon H Arnold, talking into a hand held radio to this man believed to be Lucien Sarti...

A Corsican adventurer, accomplice of the so named Umbrella Man whose raised umbrella signaled the shooters, to Arnold's left a uniformed policeman wearing glasses, thought to be Dallas Police Officer Joseph Smith, fires a shotgun, a figure wearing glasses with "Krusty the Clown" hair is to his left, while a face is visible looking over the right shoulder of another figure behind him.

Cecil B De Mille is the best guess for the identity of the "Krusty" figure!

Charles Frederick Rogers a former US Navy enlisted man, who fired from behind the picket fence some meters past the corner, is pictured behind the policeman in the Three Tramps pic above, the other tramps are E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame at the back wearing a hat, positively identified by his son St John Hunt...

"Around 1975 I saw a poster about who killed JFK, it had a picture of the three tramps, the guy in that picture was my dad," the taller one is Charles Harrelson, father of television actor Woody Harrelson.

Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. October 9, 1918 - January 23, 2007 was an American author and spy, he worked for the CIA and later the White House under President Richard Nixon, he along with G. Gordon Liddy and others, were the White House's "plumbers," a secret team of operatives charged with fixing "leaks".

Hunt, along with Liddy engineered the first Watergate burglary, in the ensuing Watergate Scandal, he was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping eventually serving 33 months in prison.

Hunt joined the CIA in 1949, and became station chief in Mexico City in 1950, he and fellow rookie officer William F Buckley Jr worked within the Mexican student movement, Buckley and Hunt remained life long friends.

There is something about William F Buckley that says, "Umbrella Man" to me!!

William Frank Buckley Jr.November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008, was an American conservative author and commentator, he founded the political magazine National Review in 1955, and hosted 1429 episodes of the television show Firing Line from 1966 until 1999, he was a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, whose writing style was famed for its erudition, wit and use of uncommon words.

Feedback says: Good coverage, my understanding of Howard Hunt's deathbed confession, was that the trigger man who was on the grassy knoll was a man named James Files ..have you researched this possibility?

Reply I believe that the whole James Files situ is a red herring designed to distract, notwithstanding the wickedness of Files, and that Wim Dankbaar and Jim Marrs are deliberately muddying the waters with this type of material.

The JFK debate is riddled with false flag websites and sham forums, Mr Dankbaar is a polite and co operative man, despite he has banned me from participating in his on line forum at

The same cannot be said of Marrs, whose deportment at Waco Texas in 1993 during the siege of Mount Carmel, that resulted in the deaths of as many as eighty eight Branch Davidians, was reprehensible.

Vernon Howell aka David Koresh had pleaded with the Press Corps for a fair hearing, the ATF had entered shooting, and he fired back in defense of his household, Marrs led the response which was mockery and chanting!
Update: This exposes what could be the greatest act of treachery in American history.

Martin Luther King in the Kennedy White House!

The Martin Luther Kings at President Kennedy's murder!
Looks like neither of them wanted to miss any of the action either.

Illegal Smile

Wait! I think I see a 2 year old Obama behind the fence with a rifle!

pool dude

Active Member
Dude you have like three conspiracy threads. I doubt obamas citizenship but I think the shit you come up is just plain funny. Oh btw get a life

Illegal Smile

I'll agree that there is more to the JFK assassination that we will ever know, and Oswald did not act alone, but the stuff in the opening post is nutty and has been debunked years ago. I wish we had 1% as much info on Obama's birth as we have on the assassination.