The Money Masters


New Member
This is an amazing documentary telling the history of the banker's never-ending attempts over centuries and millenniums to control nations by controlling currency. It was made in the 90's and it explains everything from the 'money changers' Jesus thru out of the temple to the FED and its International ties and their goals to take over the world.

It's 3 1/2 hours long and totally engrossing. If you have the time, I highly recommend watching this.

I am only just beginning my study of international financing and money. I thought Mises and Ron Paul were on the right track with the gold standard. But this guy makes an extremely strong case for a fiat money system, as long as it’s not controlled by a private bank. Only Congress should have control over the printing of the Nation's money.

That strategy has historical backing, as Lincoln used it to finance the civil war and rebound America after without an depression. We could use this system tomorrow and end the National debt in a year. Check it out. You decide.


New Member
Very interesting CC. I'm all for getting rid of the FED. My question is: why do you want the government to be in charge of the money but want to privatize everything else. If you could trust them with the money, why not with a federal medical program, why not with a federal insurance program? If every person was allowed to put a portion of their taxes towards an insurance program that would protect them from job loss, auto wrecks, life insurance etc, we could eliminate the greediest most agregious entity on the planet, right next to the FED, insurance companies


New Member
i dont share the author's opinions yet. i haven’t researched government economics enough yet. but i do think it is an interesting solution with historical backing. and i am up for hearing anyone's solutions to the mess of today.

i actually do not want the 'government' in charge of much at all because they have a tendency toward wasteful spending, which leads to corruption, by which i basically mean embezzlement of the people's taxes.

the biggest problem with society is that the majority of people are not smart enough or willing to live responsibly. these people with self-destructive behavior will basically starve to death in squalors if 'someone' doesn't help them. (i do not speak of the disabled or veterans or many other with rightly deserved government aid. since there is no free market or private business solution for irresponsible or ignorant citizens, everyone rallies for the government to assume this as one of its roles.

the fact that you just suggested the government allow you use their tax money to insure yourself against job loss means you have just began another government bureau.

this is socialist thinking. create government solutions to social problems. it IS necessary! but where do you draw the line? i certainly don’t have the answer. but i can spot problems with many of the past and present solutions. hindsight is 20/20, of course.


New Member
The Constitution gives power to the federal government to COIN money. Nothing in the Constitution refers to the federal government PRINTING money. Printed money should be issued by private banks in amounts equal to their gold and silver deposits.

For you Ron Paul fans, buy a couple of his books on the money issue.



New Member
The Constitution gives power to the federal government to COIN money. Nothing in the Constitution refers to the federal government PRINTING money. Printed money should be issued by private banks in amounts equal to their gold and silver deposits.

For you Ron Paul fans, buy a couple of his books on the money issue.

Yeah, you Ron Paul fans might as well read his books as he is done in the presidential race. I'm sorry to see him go. He was a formidable force for common sense with some minor exceptions


Active Member
Yeah, you Ron Paul fans might as well read his books as he is done in the presidential race. I'm sorry to see him go. He was a formidable force for common sense with some minor exceptions

It's always some kind of insult or attack with you isn't it? You should really stop digging for ways to upset people. It is getting ridiculous.


New Member

Ron Paul is FAR from being "done for." Even if he doesn't "win" the nomination or the presidency, he has gotten his ideas out to millions of people who were ignorant of the situation prior to Ron Paul arriving on the scene. Here we have a man on national television, speaking to millions, upon millions of people about freedom, liberty and the true meaning of the Constitution, who prior to this had no idea what true freedom is all about. Far from being done for ... the Ron Paul revolution is just beginning.



New Member
It's always some kind of insult or attack with you isn't it? You should really stop digging for ways to upset people. It is getting ridiculous.
So who are you, that wasn't an attack, just an observation. This is politics, not cum-bay-ya. dissenting opinions are what politics are all about. It is a sad state of affairs I know, but there are very few people that agree on anything. The divorce rate is over 50% for christ sake. That means at least 1/2 the people that pick a life partner will discard them for someone else before they die. In case you haven't noticed, I have a fair amount of attacks coming my way also. This is not a place for the faiint of heart, so go back to the grow forums and leave this hard core bullshit to us politicos. Oh, BTW do you have a political opinion, or did you just want to kick my ass?


Active Member
Did I say I wanted to cause or even wish harm upon you or did you jump to that conclusion by yourself?

I'll admit I was off-base when I first posted. I'll could have sworn I read something slightly different but I was up for 27 hours when I posted.


New Member
Did I say I wanted to cause or even wish harm upon you or did you jump to that conclusion by yourself?

I'll admit I was off-base when I first posted. I'll could have sworn I read something slightly different but I was up for 27 hours when I posted.

Get some sleep, sober up, and take a long hard look at the world. It's not a pleasant site, but there may be hope yet. I deal with people on this site that believe the current state of affairs is plenty allright, Everything is good as long as they have their tax cuts, fuck the poor, whiners all, fuck medical for everyone, only the rich should have adequate medical care, fuck everyone but themselves. If you were dealing with these assholes, wouldn't you be a little caustic once in a while, or are you one of them?