the mars volta


Well-Known Member
No, you did not just say you liked Mars Volta.
I've seen them twice in concert (Once with System of a Down, another with Red Hot Chili Peppers) and they sucked ass.

Then a couple years later.. my brother starts listening to them..
they still suck ass..
I hate them :P

And if you want to know, I forget which members of the band (I think the guys with the afro's) have another band called "At the Drive In"

Anyway's have fun :P


Well-Known Member
They're great. I like At the Drive-in better, but MV is pretty good. It's fine if you don't like the prog rock edge they have, but they certainly do not suck.


Well-Known Member
i'm one of them, but music is something i can appreciate from a technical perspective as well. it irritates me to no end how many great musicians have made crappy country-pop music. a shit-ton of great slide and most of the pedal-steel guitar players, for example.


Well-Known Member
ya. my last roomie was in love with TMV - he drums. i guitar, so i like how driven and aggressive the ATDI sound is.


Well-Known Member
No, no no, I'm just saying they suck live, but I still don't like there CD material, I just like different kind of music :)

I think At the Drive In is better than The Mars Volta though, but I still don't like either.


Well-Known Member
No, no no, I'm just saying they suck live, but I still don't like there CD material, I just like different kind of music :)

I think At the Drive In is better than The Mars Volta though, but I still don't like either.
to each there own.

and on that note, i fucking love them. for sure one of my favorites.
Frances the Mute is just so damn epic and one of the most atmospheric albums ever. along the same lines as dark side of the moon IMHO. it also has some of the best guitar work i have ever heard compliments of john frusciante(sp).

i did see them in concert and if you arent really a fan, i could definitely see how you wouldnt enjoy it. they definitely have some crazy energy, but the music all kind of blends together at the venue unless you have really listened to the music before.

they played for 2.5 hours straight though w/o an opening act in january at the michigan theatre. me and a friend were blazed and the power of the speakers almost gave me a heart attack it was so intense. and the new drummer... :clap:


Well-Known Member
i saw them on new years this year and it was unbelieveable, they came out with an acoustic set for like an hour before they started playing....thomas is the king. i love how inthe ilyena video hes cheifing a blunt.


Active Member
The Mars Volta is the most amazing music I've ever listened to.

cygnus...vismund cygnus

Cassandra geminni through multiple spouse wounds



Well-Known Member
a friend who was given a live promo dvd showed let me borrow it the other day its wayy old back when they first formed, they played at the electric ballroom in LA i think, one of the most amazing things i have watched. i miss jon theodore


Active Member
the mars volta's new cd Bedlam in Goliath is totaly amazing, it has there new drummer jason paragon. its excellent smoking music except when jason goes into some blast beats, then it feels like your going to die.