The importance of good soil. My recent experience


Well-Known Member
Hey all, this is my second attempt at raising my own babies, my last attempt (2-3 years ago) was a failure due to my seedling not getting past the first jagged leaves after TWO weeks, even though it was green and healthy looking. My temps were right, my lights were right but my soil wasn't (MG organic). I had seen multiple successful grows with MG soil so I was almost sure that the soil wasn't te problem. Fast forward 3 years later and here I am with a MUCH MUCH better set up. I popped 1 bagseed into some MG organic AGAIN and my seedling once again, got the first set of jagged leves and stopped growing for 2 weeks although it looked healthy. I searched everywhere for some Fox Farms Ocean Forest and finally came across a hydro store that carries everything Fox Farms. I bit the bullet and walked out of there with the nute TRio and FFOF. I came home and scooped up my seedling from the MG dirt, very carefully washed the roots with warm water and a syringe.. I then air dried the roots with a fan and planted in straight Ocean Forest.. (I was extremely extremely careful handlin the roots) Watered it with phd water and I shit you not... Within HOURS I could see difference, the following morning it had LITERALLY doubled in size and it just keeps on growing and growing and GROWING. I did not stress the plant because like I mentioned, within hours I could see growth, when I peeked in the box, I got chills down my back.
Yesterday I fed it big bloom at a 1/3 strength and it perked up and stretched significantly overnight .
I'm sorry for this long post, but id hate to see new growers (like myself) fail because we think Miracle Grow is "not as bad as people make it seem".. Well I'm sorry but I will never in my life touch that stuff again!!


Active Member
Ok...........I will go out on a limb and say the next thing you will probably learn by the end of this grow and many others in-between, stop using bag seed. The unknown sometimes is very disappointing!!


Well-Known Member
That was a trial run. I have some feminized northern lights, blue mystic and sage n sour. I planted a germinated NL yesterday :) I wanted to start with bagseed to test out my set up


Well-Known Member
First I dont see how people blame the soil for their failure. The truth is your first grow failed either by bad seed genetics or user screw up. Info like this is bad, simply because a lot of people are newbs and listen to this crap. Yes FF and pro-mix are the high end mixes, BUT if you mistreat your plants or have bad genetics THE BEST SOIL IN THE WORLD WILL NOT HELP. I Have A MG grow going now, and she is BEAUTIFUL. this is her at 28 days from sprout. IMAG0296.jpgIMAG0296.jpg