The Hempy Collective

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Well-Known Member
As you guys know, I've been having some problems with my plants. The only thing I've done that made her appear to recover was when I transplanted her from Soil into a Hempy Bucket. So, in an act of desperation, I reenacted the transplant. I dug her up, washed her roots off in water, then H2O2, then water and put her back in the perlite.

When I was doing this though I noticed something really odd...Mixed throughout the perlite I kept finding these small bits of what I can only describe as clear gelatin. I've never seen it before, could this be what's making her sick? Anyone know what it is?
i know exactly what your talking about.. i too got a bag with the same gelatin mixed in with it. i think it was shaultz from walmart... ya im pretty sure it came from walmart...

i sifted all the gel out and discarded it. it was definitely not a fertilizer....


Well-Known Member
sounds like some kinda moisture control....i just buy horticultural grade perlite in the big green nutes or jelly shit..just perlite....peace az


Well-Known Member
yes that question has been asked an my awnser will remain sturd-fast ...if you want to put an airstone into a bucket/tub dwc/swc is what you want...this is a proven system an does not need an perlite vermaculite cococoir etc etc are all great at keeping o2 at root level...peace az
Cool, I just started some plants in perlite with this design. The ones in perlite are growing noticeably faster than the ones the same age in sunshine mix/ perlite.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to say thanks to AZ and lumberjack, and everyone else that contributes to this thread, I just took a sample from one of my ladies day 47 of flower, my first taste of my own home grown, and it is nice....:hump:

thanks to the hempy buckets, I am well on my way... thanks again guys:joint:


Well-Known Member
where did you get a 30 pound bag and how much did it cost?? I bought two 24lb. bag it was like 52 for both with shipping so like 26 bucks each with shipping and all.. And yes you should transplant..


Well-Known Member
man i really hate to have ya transplant agin..those plants are probly pissed as shit right now...but what must be must yes make sure the new per-lite contains nothing but transplant 1 last time....when watering just use a lil amount to make the per-lite damp again you dont need to water to fill that basin untill there are roots down that will take a week or so depending on plant size an container size....peace az


Well-Known Member
WoW deff going to try this for my next grow this would work great in a sea of green set up

Thanks AZ


Well-Known Member
quick question guys, what is the recomended flushing time for the HB's before harvest, in soil i think its 2 weeks, the same for the buckets???


Well-Known Member
man i really hate to have ya transplant agin..those plants are probly pissed as shit right now...but what must be must yes make sure the new per-lite contains nothing but transplant 1 last time....when watering just use a lil amount to make the per-lite damp again you dont need to water to fill that basin untill there are roots down that will take a week or so depending on plant size an container size....peace az
It came this morning. 4 Cubic Feet of Horticultural Grade Perlite. Do I need to rinse it first or just put it right in there?


Well-Known Member
Ummm I was told it's good to rinse it and get it wet for the simple fact that it helps hold down the dust when you go to fill your buckets..


Well-Known Member
Ummm I was told it's good to rinse it and get it wet for the simple fact that it helps hold down the dust when you go to fill your buckets..
good point, probably not a bad idea to rinse I may start doing it from now on

quick question how big of an area will a 150w hps cover?? 3X3 with mylar?? and how many plants sog do you think would fit???


Well-Known Member
generally speaking I've heard 50w per square foot of grow area. So a 150 hps would work for a 3 square foot area, or a space one foot by three feet, or a square area of 1.73 feet by 1.73 feet. If you were looking to cover a 3'x3' space, get a 400w
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