the greatest idea wonederd if anyone has tred pleas respond


New Member
well i was thinking about the whole process on flowering. well i have this idea and i was thinking what might others think of this. i was thinking of reducing the lignt gradually from 12/12 to 10/14 ( 10 hours of daylight) within a 90 day span i would have reduce by 1-2 min a day. does anyone think this would be a good idea since it mimics more of the natrual sunlight during late summer/ and into fall.


Active Member
bad one. as far as I have heard there will be a difference in quantity and potency( more light=more bud=more thc). But im still too noob to know it for sure


Well-Known Member
Just curious, did you purposely try to fuck up the spelling of your thread title or was that just natural? Only reason I ask is because you seem to have gotten all the rest of it right in your post. If so, nice job, it got me to respond to a thread that I might otherwise have just skipped right over. Lol.

Don't reduce the amount the light below 12/12. Like the poster above said, the more light the better.


New Member
thanks man, and no i was high as shit when i wrote that i just never try and check grammer, punctuation etc when i write i just write


Well-Known Member
to mimic nature you gotta work your way from 18 down to 12,the plant will start flowering at about 131/2,just like they do outside,by the time the equinox comes around(natures ONLY day of 12/12) you only got 3-5 weeks left to flower depending on strain,this will only be of any use in an indoor situation if you have room for the plant to get to the same size as it would outside


Well-Known Member
lol I had to read this thread, the title was so horribly spelled it made me want to punch a baby, twice.

Aye, lowering the period of available light below twelve hours would only hinder growth. Good luck.