The good with the bad...wich is actually kind of good


Active Member
Has anyone else experienced this?

I come from a long Christian tradition in my family. So, after I started smoking medical marijuana I got a lot of unsolicited feed back about my "choice". "You just want to get high and feel good!" is the one I hear the most. Believe me, if you have the chance to ask you pastor whats wrong with that, don't....if you want to keep peace in the family. Get stoned, or get addicted. Those seemed to be what my big decision boiled down to. Haven't regretted it yet. bongsmilie

Getting loaded on a fine sativa is one of my favorite times. When I'm with close friends the music and conversation run all over the place. It's like I remember how to be happy.

And, when I'm alone, I find my mind wanders towards what is happening in my life, with my wife, mom and dad, brother............... And sometimes, I think about something that has the potential to change my life (provided I don't forget it). I see something that never dawned on me before, and now I'm thinking about changing how I relate to my wife, mom and dad, brother.......

Smoking weed isn't just about feeling good and having a good time, it can also change your life. It isn't all fun, but I believe it's all good. This would be impossible to say at my mom's church (and not start a riot).

p.s And this naked chick advertisement with the buds on her naughty places is kicken!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my family has long Christian traditions too, luckily they're pretty understanding. I used to get called out by my mom or grandma for it, but now it's just joked about since they understand that i'm still the same responsible person. There's nothing wrong with smokin some herb to help kick back and feel happy. I find that it helps me put up with all the bullshit in life and can make me forget about how bad the day was, not to mention put me to sleep when its too hard to fall asleep. I'd say keep on keepin on man.
Lol at the naked chick