The Dark Knight


Well-Known Member
lol, that's what I said! But my friend said she's seen him in other movies and he always looks like that, he just has really long eyelashes....


Well-Known Member
I found it to be excactly comic style..... You know, a city runned by normal ppl, there's a hero and a wanabee hero, they work together in a way that the other one doesnt know anything bout him..... <--- make sense ?

doesnt to me when i read it ^^


found it a good movie... very original


Active Member
ok if you say so.... but i don't wanna ruin anything so i'll talk about the comic....

first a quote...

"A Few months ago i was as ordinary and pathetic as you... But look at me now, blowing holes in men of steel and slitting the throats of dark knights"

this is the REAL Wesley Gibson.... son of the worlds most greatest super-villian, The Killer... whose power is simply that of death, and he NEVER misses a shot...

Wanted is set in a world with no super-heroes, they've all been wiped out, even the mere memory of them (allthough they cross to alternaTE realities to kill them there anyway)... and the world is more or less run by a secret society of super-villians called The Fraternity...


"Can you believe i raped an a-list celebrity and it didn't even make the news? Thats how deep the fraternity goes. Consequences are a thing of the past"

Sound interesting? lol

that whole movie slogan is wrong.. "kill 1 save 1000"... pffft... Wesley's the guy who would kill 1 then rape a thousand! lol

sorry this is just one of my favourite comics lol

some of the scenes are close enough to the comic, like the gun fight on the rooftop.... but in the movie they totally changed the story


Well-Known Member
im not reading any of this thread bcoz i havnt seen it yet. i tried to go watch it last night but the 8pm and 9:15pm showing were both sold out !! so then we went to another cinema in the nearest city and that was sold out as well!!! arghh

then to top our night off, we went for a KFC. we joined the que at the back of the line and then a dude told us they were closing! argh, didnt got no chicken either!


Active Member
I want to hear about wanted. It's my thread, go ahead. lol, I was going to see that movie....
you should still go see the movie, it's quite good.... only one bad bit of acting i seen...

Angelina Jolie steps in front of target.. "shoot the target"... James Macavoy says "you're crazy" .... watch for it, cheesiest line ever lol....

other than that it's still a good movie.... it just really pissed me (and every other fan) when they changed it from the comic version.

btw i see you like the Dark Tower, i don't know it myself but i know someone who does, and i spotted these by pure chance a couple days ago after it was mentioned.... you may be interested.

Edit: crap you need to register with the site... ah well nvm, it was Dark Tower comics i spy'd whilst havin a look for some readable shit
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Well-Known Member
I've seen the comics at Borders. But I want to get them all, and they never have all of them.

I don't think I'm going to like the comics too much. I've read all the books, I have my own image in my mind what the characters look like to me. I've seen some of the comics, and it's not very close, lol.

But I love the series enough to want to read them all anyways.


Well-Known Member
I just saw that movie, and it was SOOO fucking good, that I just want to talk about it! It was kinda long, but it didn't drag. Heath Ledger rocked the role of the Joker, seriously. EVERY scene with him in it was fucking amazing. I LOVED the beginning. I love when the Joker made the pencil disappear...

It was one of those movies where the whole crowd was oohing and ahhing and laughing and screaming all together.

So has anyone else seen it? I need someone who's seen it!
haven't seen it...yet. I've heard alot about the pencil scene from my friends who have actually seen the movie lol.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah. I feel kinda excluded though. it's like, all my friends are talking about this movie, and all I know is the pencil scene. I mention the pencil and i get one out the two reactions.
1)"Oh yeah that's so funny man blah blah blah PENCIL!!"
2)"get the hell outta here jackass you haven't even seen the movie!!" and then I go back to my corner and watch Clerks....


Well-Known Member
ok skipped a few pages and didn't see anything explaining the cuts on the Jokers face so far....
From what I can remember he worked for the mob before he went crazy.....right?

I don't remember where I got this information...anybody confirm?


Well-Known Member
Are you guys kidding? The pencil scene was cool but I loved the scene when Gordon leaves the interrogation room and suddenly Batman is there and immediately slams the Joker's face into the table. The Joker then replies "Ooo...Never start with the head! The victim gets all fuzzy!"

That one made me laugh. :lol:


Active Member
ok skipped a few pages and didn't see anything explaining the cuts on the Jokers face so far....
From what I can remember he worked for the mob before he went crazy.....right?

I don't remember where I got this information...anybody confirm?
Jokers past is one of the biggest mysteries of the Batman comics, it's doubtful anybody can confirm that.


Well-Known Member
Jokers past is one of the biggest mysteries of the Batman comics, it's doubtful anybody can confirm that.
Your probably right, but when I watched the movie I was kinda thinkin that the whole time (he took out the mob bank like a pro). And in a few scenes he adopted a gangster-esque accent.....maybe I'm 100% wrong but untill somebody has an answer....


at least in my book:peace: