the coolest?


Well-Known Member
Facts on ninjas
ninjas are mammals.

Ninjas fight ALL the time.

The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.


Ninjas smell like sandpaper.

Ninjas have suction cups on their toes.

Ninjas eat Young Grasshopper.

Ninjas are not affected by humidity

Only one Ninja has ever been to Antarctica, and that was on accident

Ninja are at the root of all conspiracies

Ninjas wrap things in clear wrap counter clockwise

Ninjas can hang upside down and sleep that way

"Who let the Dogs out?!" Ninja are actually the ones responsible for letting them out.

It's a common misconception that ninjas can jump extremely high and actuality they can fly.

New stars are formed by ninjas uppercutting small children.

Ninjas enjoy such benefits as x-ray vision, bio slime and guitar wailing.

No matter what a ninja eats, they always shit out diamonds.

Blackholes are created by ninjas porking outer space.

Ninjas smell good

Ninja despise cheese, mystery meats, and other cafeteria based foods.

Adolf Hitler was really assassinated by a ninja.


Well-Known Member
i thought the days of this question were long since dead and buried away with chuck N. jokes and gigapets