The CO2 knowledge


Well-Known Member
i spray my leaves with "kinley" club soda.the soda contain CO2 and when sprayed on the leaves they absorb it.if u can't afford CO2 tank that's the cheapest way for CO2 "feeding".:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the only drawback to foliating (spraying leaves) is fungus and mold buildup on the wet leaves. i use 5 cups sugar with 6 packets of active dry yeast and water in a soda bottle.i use two of these setups. they last for about 3-4 weeks for 20 plants in a closet and it costs about $5 every time! this creates enough co2 for my babies. at night I use a curtain across the doorway (they sit in an unused closet in basement) to further increase the buildup of co2. This is just one more cheap way to get them co2


Well-Known Member
hey, soda water on the leaves is a good idea, but it will possibly cause rot.. try looking on ebay for smale co2 setups.

loudblunts and abudsmoker - give the guy a break.. if he is new then he probably doesnt know all the tricks. i remember being new and someone telling me to use club soda. it does have co2 in it and it would work..


Well-Known Member
sure i understand being new

but being new and not knowing anything.... i still realized and knew damn well failed attempts at co2 will never produce anywhere near 1200 ppms of co2 ( i say 1200 because there is normally 300 ppms of co2 in air)

im sorry i can do nothing but laugh at co2 attempts (sugar, yeast all that shit, dry ice may work, but not practical.... and the spraying carbonated water and all that other bullshit)


Well-Known Member
for those of us with little to no money, my yeast, sugar...sedtup is the cheapest method. I know it sux compared to a commercial co2 maker but I live down in this basement with my plants and prefer not to die from c02 poisoning! what little my system generates may indeed be laughable but it can't hurt! it's better than nothing to each his own, i'll still grow my plants just may not be as bushy as yours, but their mine and I grew them and that;s what counts.


Well-Known Member
for those of us with little to no money, my yeast, sugar...sedtup is the cheapest method. I know it sux compared to a commercial co2 maker but I live down in this basement with my plants and prefer not to die from c02 poisoning! what little my system generates may indeed be laughable but it can't hurt! it's better than nothing to each his own, i'll still grow my plants just may not be as bushy as yours, but their mine and I grew them and that;s what counts.
yeah dude that counts :)


Active Member
is a legitimate co2 setup considerably better than a spray bottle with club soda o possible nnon at all. like how much of a difference are we talkin about


Well-Known Member
ok to clarify what i was saying, yes you could get rot due to excesive water being on the leafs all the time.. but you would have to spray them like every 15 mins and i asume your not doing this. Im not saying it will happen, Im saying it could happen.

I would get out on the web and into the book store and try to read up as much as you can. Barns and nobel sell alot of books on how to grow, so stop by and read up.. the more you know, the easier it will be for running any grow op.


Well-Known Member
i read alot of things before my 1-st growing atempt and i love to experiment.i'll see what will happen and get You all know. peace


Well-Known Member
for those of us with little to no money, my yeast, sugar...sedtup is the cheapest method. I know it sux compared to a commercial co2 maker but I live down in this basement with my plants and prefer not to die from c02 poisoning! what little my system generates may indeed be laughable but it can't hurt! it's better than nothing to each his own, i'll still grow my plants just may not be as bushy as yours, but their mine and I grew them and that;s what counts.

bullshit. its no better than a placebo... you THINK its working....but its really not.

for a plant to respond/ or to have any results you need at least a constant ppm of 1500 of co2. do you have a way of measuring ppms? no? can you get it up that high using your methods? i seriously doubt it...

jay cas

Well-Known Member
is a legitimate co2 setup considerably better than a spray bottle with club soda o possible nnon at all. like how much of a difference are we talkin about
itd be like comparing a hoopty to a 500sl. im sure any extra co2 will help in some manner, but a tank setups is the only way to acheive max bennifits. weed thrives at 3-4 times the amount of co2 than (what loudblunts refers to as) bull shit setups that have been mentioned.

loudblunts can come across as a dick sometimes, but he knows his shit, i learned not to question his advice... trust me, hes the real deal