the closet thinking


hi there all that has took time too view this thread thx eany help would be great been thinking of growing for a while now actualley been glued too this chair for a few months now reading every one elses journals builds discussions on bulbs heat problems and every thing and the one thing i want too get sorted before i try too grow eany thing is get my grow room set up perfect so no fucking about trying too change shit well this is my closet just trying too figure out if it is enough space too grow i cant drill too many holes in it cos i dont own the prop the big issue iam havving with my self is that its only a 3x1x6 will this be enough also there is a top shelf were i could place ballast up too stop heating in the grow chamber going too set it up perfect before i do eany thing bit of a freak that way well here is a pic eany ideas or coments are more then welcome



bud bootlegger
that looks like more than enough space to grow a couple of plants.. i would say go with a 250hps in there, and maybe grow a few auto flowering plants, or some mostly indica dom strains that will stay fairly short, maybe a kush or something along those lines... you should be able to grow around three small indicas or maybe like four or so auto's with ease under that 250..
there is even a 250 club on here with lots of knowledgeable peps who are more than willing to help you out and to give you encouragement along the way.


thx thats what i needed too hear was thinking of going with clf too start with keep them small and busy then hit them with a small 250 or 400 but think ill try a 250 the only prob i was thinking of is i need too put a carbon filter in there but i cant think of a way too get fresh air and get rid of with out drilling big holes for venilation with out going into the loft


bud bootlegger
a few fans may do for air circulation, and you could always leave the door open when the lights are on for added circulation...
you should check out rosemans diy odor control bucket and you could just set it up in your room without it actually having to be in the grow area and no need to be drilling all kinds of holes..


i have read it 5 times lol the only problem i got is a nosy mum who comes round too take my dog a walk but ive cought her going threw my shit before trying too find some thing plus other folk come round it needs too be the stealthest it can be with out spending shit loads of money and there can not be a wiff of the smell the more i think about it the more i get messed in the head tyring too go over things would it work with no fresh air going in and a scrubber working 24 h a day i dont wont too start some thing that is going too fail due not been able too do certain things too walls etc


Well-Known Member
that looks like more than enough space to grow a couple of plants.. i would say go with a 250hps in there, and maybe grow a few auto flowering plants, or some mostly indica dom strains that will stay fairly short, maybe a kush or something along those lines... you should be able to grow around three small indicas or maybe like four or so auto's with ease under that 250..
there is even a 250 club on here with lots of knowledgeable peps who are more than willing to help you out and to give you encouragement along the way.
you are probably not going to get four plants under a 250 watt hps.i grow a white strain that stay small.I can only do 4 plants under a 400 watt hps.its all about lumens so how can you fit 4 plants under a 250 and get a decent yield?
Im not being an ass, but if i can fit more than 4 plants under my 400 watter,please share the secret cause ive tried all sorts of ways to manipulate my chamber, light, reflective walls, you name it i think ive done it,and all i can get are 4 -2' plants.
sorry not trying to hyjack your post.You said your room is 3x1x6 is that feet.if so im assuming 3 feet tall by 1 foot deep by 6 feet long.Well if you want to do it right,what technique are you going to use?i.e. ebb and flow,DWC,plain soil.I dont think 1 foot deep will cut it.Are you using a 250 watt light?if so not only do you have to vent your space out but that light is going to eat up qbout a foot of head room,unless you get a cheapass now your left with less than 2 feet head plants start bud at 1 foot when they are done they max out at 2-2 1/2 feet tall.and this is a kush strain,the longer i veg them the taller they unless you plan on starting at about 6",and the yield on that would be unworthy,you might want to find a different space,taller wider and not neccesarilly so long.


sorry about thati must of put wrong dimesions in its 6 foot high can go too 8 foot if i take shelfs out 3 foot wide an 1 1/2 foot deep and sorry too say but i have no secrets since this is my first build of eany type of grow room and since this i have never grew eany thing att all i was trying too gett some advice on the subject but if ur saying u cant do more then 3 or 4 plants then thats fine ill just have too read some more and figure out a dif approach iam not trying too grow loads of weed just enough for my self too enjoy and a few close friends and for techinic was thinking of going with soil too start with as its a lot more giving then doing a hydroponics even though i have been reading quite a lot i think i could do it but ill stick with soil as till i know a lot more about strains and smells i think it will be a bit of trial and error and for strains was thinking of doing a auto too start with as hear there not as hard as some of the strains and learning too lst or scrog or super cropping i would just like too get my grow room up and running but get the designs right the first time well some of them iam just trying too figure out a way of growing in that cubbard with out drilling holes for ventaltion as i was thinking of a sealed room ac and every thing but thinking thats abit out of my depth with money concerns atm thx if eany one can think of a idea or if some 1 has grown in simmilar condittons and still kept it stealth but good crop id love too hear or a link thx


Well-Known Member
yo farmer 99 first things first if you want a stealth grow i'd defo reccomend autoflowers they grow roughly to a semi controlled height of 12/24 inch <dont get me wrong there are tales of much bigger plants> they require only one light cycle through whole grow!!!! Smell will become an issue you need to know how or where yr going to exhaust it to??? as for fresh air id take the gamble and drill a few holes in the bottom panel of yr door that way yr extractor/exhaust will suck fresh air in consatantly and definatly have sum sort of fan in there for circulation!!!! as for how many plants to watt/lumens ratio i have seven under a 400 w hps in an nft hydro kit dowd 1 and they are all dense and plump??? check my sig for any questions/advice???? Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
looking back i realise i shouldv give you dimensions of my box its five feet wide two feet deep and four foot tall,, i have a bog standard extractor in top left corner of box exhausting straight into the sewers via kitchen waste pipe a decent oscilating fan cooling the plants and circulating the air another fan fixed to the side wall blowing directly onto the light cooltubing it and on the bottom left panel i have drilled roughly a dozen holes so that when the box is closed and sealed the extractor draws in fresh air through these holes...dont be mistaken into thinking the smell will escape through these holes my extracor is left on consatntly along with the fan so it is only ever drawing air in as opposed to letting air/smell escape.... hope this helps???


thx every one for the advise ive decided not too grow in this closet now gona build some thing in the attic bit of a pain getting up there every time i wont too look at them but hey its more stealth up there thx all


Well-Known Member
yo farmer 99 first things first if you want a stealth grow i'd defo reccomend autoflowers they grow roughly to a semi controlled height of 12/24 inch <dont get me wrong there are tales of much bigger plants> they require only one light cycle through whole grow!!!! Smell will become an issue you need to know how or where yr going to exhaust it to??? as for fresh air id take the gamble and drill a few holes in the bottom panel of yr door that way yr extractor/exhaust will suck fresh air in consatantly and definatly have sum sort of fan in there for circulation!!!! as for how many plants to watt/lumens ratio i have seven under a 400 w hps in an nft hydro kit dowd 1 and they are all dense and plump??? check my sig for any questions/advice???? Good luck bro.
I wasnt trying to shoot anybody down,In my box i got 2.5' deep by 3.5' long by 7.5 feet high im pretty limited on my square feet on the floor.I have tried as many as 8 in my closet,6 in ebb and flow 2 in pots,and it didnt work out to hot.The plants in the middle came out sweet and then tapered off both sides.Could have been a crowding issue as well.
When i first started the guy who sold me my light said with a 400 watt (especially at bud) would only cover about 4' x 4' due to the light being droped to within inches of the tops.but if you are getting 7 plants to plump up, kudos bro bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I wasnt trying to shoot anybody down,In my box i got 2.5' deep by 3.5' long by 7.5 feet high im pretty limited on my square feet on the floor.I have tried as many as 8 in my closet,6 in ebb and flow 2 in pots,and it didnt work out to hot.The plants in the middle came out sweet and then tapered off both sides.Could have been a crowding issue as well.
When i first started the guy who sold me my light said with a 400 watt (especially at bud) would only cover about 4' x 4' due to the light being droped to within inches of the tops.but if you are getting 7 plants to plump up, kudos bro bongsmilie
Hey buddy no offence ment AT ALL!!! was just stating that with autoflower i cAN FIT AS MANY AS SEVEN IN THE SPACE HE HAS/400WHPS and get a belting result, stop along my journal and add your opinion.....
Peace brother:joint:


Well-Known Member
autoflowers should be switched to 12/12 and 75% red spectrum and 25% blue spectrum(ie-4 red cfls for every 1 blue) when it shows sex and starts to flower, you dont use the same light cycle and spectrum the whole grow w/autoflowers.


Well-Known Member
autoflowers should be switched to 12/12 and 75% red spectrum and 25% blue spectrum(ie-4 red cfls for every 1 blue) when it shows sex and starts to flower, you dont use the same light cycle and spectrum the whole grow w/autoflowers.
Hey 420 iv read this a few times and it seems that both ways work,, one light cycle through duration and changing on flower,,, :lol::lol: the joint doctor recommends one cycle .?? do you think i would get more yield if i changed light cycle???
Thanx amigo


i must admit riu can some time get confusing with auto plants as u get so much information from so many dif sources with light scedules and all the folk given advice are usally producing good yields who too trust is some times the biggest concern