the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
sweet that sounds epic as fuck I'm stoked. thanks for the detailed info I'm gonna paste that shit in a folder.


Well-Known Member
this cross seems like it has the potential to be as strong as sour kush if crossed correctly in the future. I have yet to try a strain as strong as chitowns sour kush but hey I'm keeping my mind open and I"ll let you guys know if I run into anything as strong or stronger.


Well-Known Member
pic update today:
sour kush:


starts for my buddy:

my starts
white widow, lush, desert valley kush, tahoe og, cheesequake, then sour kushes on the side.



Well-Known Member
sorry about the pic links going to the photobucket site instead of the pics themseleves, I got lazy. maybe I"ll edit it tomorrow mornin ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks wbw, ya my boy tossed me a few seeds said they were a mix of two starins though both LA Con qualities, the other strain of the two is Confidential Cheese. Popped a few for my outdoor grow.
man that description jus gives me a chubby Whyte ... what was yur X out?
Lol.. I got bubba x Julius ceaser and bubba x Tahoe og.. Trust me with this mom and the males used its going to be fire..
that there bubba looks amazing at whyte...
That bubba is what made me fall in love with it.. Everybody that tried this bubba loves it.. I know crossing it to the Tahoe will only make it better.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'll prolly smoke that cross in the late afternoon, and in the evening mixed with sk, but probably not early in the day unless I'm just havin one of those days.

honestly my heads spinnin with all the new strains I got goin. I'm gonna have to wait to make my judgements until after the next harvest when I'm actually sampling these smokes.


Well-Known Member
Lol.. I got bubba x Julius ceaser and bubba x Tahoe og.. Trust me with this mom and the males used its going to be fire..

That bubba is what made me fall in love with it.. Everybody that tried this bubba loves it.. I know crossing it to the Tahoe will only make it better.



Well-Known Member
i just cooked up the most potent cannabutter i ever made in my life... half a stick of butter plus 3.7 grams of bubble hash.... my whole tip smells like hash now.. lol i cooked it for close to 35 min. in a ghetto made double boiler... ima be tore up tommorow