THE CFG CLUB(the club for growing under compact fluors!!!)

hahah that was hilarious man.. i agree,. the hps buds are looking way better more solid bigger.. cfl buds can appear kinda big but there all fluffy and hollow...ive been learning how to grow on cfls for 8 months or so but now that i got.. my galaxy lamp set up .. switchable dimmable.. it does 250 watts 175 or 150 perfect hobby grower light. i was thinking of how many 23 watt bulbs of cfl u would need to equal an hps 250 watt much higher lumen output....i think ude need like 18 or so .. so thats 9 y splitter outlets hanging around.... it seems easier just to super crop one nice tight top cola that weights like an ounce and keep it short and far enough away from hps.. im hoping with high wind in my grow cabinet i can dimm it to 150.. and have the ducting pulling the heat right off the bulb.. even though my exhaust isnt that strong but intakes sorta strong . and itll help blow the heat around..cfls get hot too and the ballasts are onboard so there keeps the 15 percent heat inside.. and they need to be replaced prob every year and a half at max.. so there not really any cheaper then hid. unless u got a cheap hid that breaks easilly


Well-Known Member
CFLs are great if you cant control the heat from a HPS, but the HPS does grow better bigger faster plants, that said you can still grow excellent buds with CFL's.

In my avatar is a Blueberry Hybrid I grew with 1 200w 2700k CFL in a cheap Euro CFL reflector. I think they can definately do a good job, but once I went HPS I couldnt go back.


Well-Known Member
here is my cfl grow the first before i started hps i used 6 25watt cfls and a light with 4 mini 9w cfls t5 style check it out cost about 9 pound for equiptment lol the strain was a thai strain i think chocolate thai it tasted choclatey n earthy got an ounce n qtr of shitty weed but it was my first nothiung at all like what i got on last 600w grow and my othre 600w hpsd grows from super sour og to blacberry underneath thai

1st n only cfl grow and yeild pic

600w grows different times not all done together i put the grafix on the pics wiv my mobile they not copied just so u know and yeild pic 13oz from yeild pic of super sour og the others were 2 oz per plant


250w grow mama mia on right and ghs bigbang 1st release on left of 1st pic it smelled like spew but got ya fucked with yeild pic 2 oz of each plant
image515.jpgimage516.jpgmamamia.jpgimage511n.jpgimage522.jpgimage530.jpgso with these pics u can tell the difference between the yeilds and wattage between cfls and hid lights as long as u have a tent with fan filter u would never get caught as long as u havent got a big mouth n tell ur mates thats the worst thing any grower could do coz people got big mouths FACT

Dr. Kundilini

Well-Known Member
except 1000bulbs doesn't carry flowering (2700-3000k) 105w bulbs *sigh!*..on the same note, does anyone know where you can get 105w 2700-3000k cfls for less than the $39 they charge at SH...or even better, a 150w 2700k..anywhere in the states (not ebay's jacked up $99 for one bulb either)?
I just ordered the 105W 2700K CFL from 1000bulbs @ $19.59 US. They also have it in 6500K. I am currently running two 105W 2700K and twoT12 fixtures as side lights in one small tent.
100blubs has the best price I have found on high wattage CFL's. The 105W has a medium base. I am in my second year of using the four 105W CFL's I bought last spring from 100bulbs. 2 2700K and 2 6500K. Great lighting, minimal heat, long bulb life, economical to buy and use.