The bullshit session. If you're not buzzed, don't post.


New Member
So I'm about 10 heinekens in... bout... 8 bowls of the dankski, smoking on my camel cigarettes listening to pandora.. what's up ROLL IT UP!!!


New Member
Well.. oddly he is doing a dance that works with e-40's "my lil grimey nigga" .... now that's funny shit.... oh ya... e40 is down with my ak47 shit. UUUUHHHH


New Member
It feels so good, when everythings going right, and you got your shit together and your bankrolls tight, it feels so good when your money stacks high and you and u gotta lotta weed in a big supply


Well-Known Member
I will be to drunk to post later,so for future purposes BE MERRY!



Well-Known Member
when moving into a new place ask questions about people and area, inquire about the owner of the property, asses risk. if you know your landowner will be around looking at the property on the outside. put up an extra layer of drop cloth between the garden and you. invest in a back up carbon filter.


New Member
It feels so good, when everythings going right, and you got your shit together and your bankrolls tight, it feels so good when your money stacks high and you and u gotta lotta weed in a big supply

"when life looks like easy street,there is danger at your door" quick quote from a band I know


Active Member
I'm pretty frosted. Here watch this shit. Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
So I'm about 10 heinekens in... bout... 8 bowls of the dankski, smoking on my camel cigarettes listening to pandora.. what's up ROLL IT UP!!!
Alaska, lol...ever been to Dillingham?

I have, good thing I brought herb cuz' it doesn't exist there.

Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Dillingham sucks lol!!! because it has no green!
There are many "ends of the road" in Alaska...Dillingham is one of those. I spent a month during summer at a fishing lodge well north of there, nearest neighbor was 10 miles away and mail was delivered once a month...via float plane. My cousin was a bush pilot back then, before 9/11 when you could still get away with packing weed on domestic commercial flights.

Thank God I brought some, cuz' back then not many folks were growing up there.

I still have relatives residing about 25 miles or so NW of Anchorage, not in a hurry to visit though again...despite the incredible solitude and beauty.