The BubbleHead Gang


Elite Rolling Society
i gatta be a part of this group. thanks for being here.
Welcome to the Gang. Mostly Crazy is our Leader, PurpDaddy is Secretary of Defense and Sargent at Arms. I am Spiritual Advisor. LOL, just kiddin. Our goal is two fold, 1, we grow with Bubbles and 2, we do all we can to be helpful to newbs and be good examples to others on RIU.


Well-Known Member
I'm just a bubbly foot soldier.

I have only done 1 indoor soil to harvest, then I found DWC. Now I have tons of Hydroton and air pumps, the world is my cloister.


Hey Bubbleheads Im a dude with a sh bubleponics system and im about a week into my grow and i just started to notice white hairy mold/fungus on my rock wool cubes. I need help and fast i put some H202 in the res and sprayed it on the cubes i also covered the cubes from light and that didn't help to much i need ideas!


Elite Rolling Society
Hey Bubbleheads Im a dude with a sh bubleponics system and im about a week into my grow and i just started to notice white hairy mold/fungus on my rock wool cubes. I need help and fast i put some H202 in the res and sprayed it on the cubes i also covered the cubes from light and that didn't help to much i need ideas!

Mold is a glob, and it has black hairs or black strains of black mold in it, it is very slimey, never gritty, and stinks.
Is yours possibly gritty, solid white specs, no black in it, and does not stink? Then it is harmless water salts or mineral salts. Even if it is mold, it does very little harm and can be treated with peroxide. If one drop of peroxide makes it boil, it is mold. If not, it is not.

I covered all that here:
Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics-DWC Tutorial


it is not gritty like slimyish kinda like the rockwool would feel just lil slimier i zapped most of the spots with drops of h202 and they like fizzed it looked and not went away right away but looked depressed or receiding


Well-Known Member
Faster growth, shorter end flush, no need to remember feed/water schedule, and more redily availible nutrients for bigger buds especially with co2 enrichment.


Elite Rolling Society
The pics are at 2 weeks after sprouting, 2 weeks 3 days and at 3 weeks. I started two seeds in dirt, the very same day I started the seeds in the tank.
Notice the diference.Attached Thumbnails

I get a inch of growth taller daily with Bubbleponics.
ten days

12 days

15 days

17 days

20 days

Those first 3 weeks is when the feeding tubes really make a difference.



Active Member
cause to me soil is so much easier, why go to bubble ponics , whats the advantages?
SPEED. I can grow a crop in half the time.

I still love soil growing, and do so outside only now. It has its place, but man was I impressed with this bubbleponic system. Easy as can be to use, in 4 weeks I have clones that are dang near 4 feet. Pics attached are two clones at the 3 week mark. Since that they have really started to fill out and explode in growth. :peace:



Well-Known Member
cause to me soil is so much easier, why go to bubble ponics , whats the advantages?
At this point soil is easier for me also. But the bubble cloner sold on bubbleponics. so far my first bubble grow is a failure. But I've leaned alot with this first try. I grow in soil fairly good, but my fisrt few grows were a joke. Just like soil I'll get the hang of this too.