The Best Worst Lesson Ever Never Learned!


Active Member
:wall: The Best Worst Lesson Ever Never Learned!

Have you ever been sitting at a friends house, smoking a nice medical marijuana spliff that one of your friends just rolled fresh from the curing jar and then the whole subject of growing the medical marijuana comes up! And at this point everyone is high and proudly ranting and displaying all of their high-tech, cutting edge techniques for the best, most potent super yields! Well........

This Is Where Most New Growers Will Make Their First And Their Worst Mistakes!
They Listen................ And without any proof or real idea of what they are doing, they go home and apply what they "thought" they might have heard about growing these super potent nuggets! Then one day they go into their awesome, high dollar grow room and see the most horrible sight that any parent should have to lay eyes on.... All of their little babies are sick, hanging over, with their limbs turning weird colors! But What The.......

They loved the little babies, they gave them all the best that money could buy! Still most people don't even realize what could of went wrong!
They don't remember changing the routine, Why? Because...... They Were High? No, Because they didn't do their homework!

Here Are A Few Tips To Keep This From Happening To You!

  1. Always Check The Source Of Your Information! - Do they have proof to back up what they are telling you? Are you sure they said the exact amounts of what to use? Would they try to sabotage you?
  2. Look For Proof That The Technique Works! - Check in the bibles and on the internet (Forums, Grow Sites, Etc) for other peoples experience with it! - Has anyone else even tried this technique?
  3. Try It On One Plant And One Plant Only! - Make sure you see positive results on one plant before making all of your plants become test subjects! <------ This is very important for adding any new nutrients!
  4. Find Out The Side Effects! - Is it going to smell or taste bad? Is it going to start a fire or ruin your equipment? Is it going to make a lot of noise? Basically, Is it worth the trouble?
  5. Is It Even Possible? - Do you plan on following through with it from the beginning to the end? Do you have access for everything you need for it? Can you afford it? Can your grow room or circuits handle it?
  6. Keep A Complete Record! - Do you know if it made any positive or negative results! Can someone else who wants to try this technique go by what you told them? Did you combine something at one point but not another? When does it provide better or worse results and combined with what?
So......... There you have it........ Use a little common sense and all your little babies should be fine! Just Make sure to research all of the new high-tech growing techniques you come across before applying them!

Good Luck - Have Fun Growing :leaf: And Always Remember........................
The Proof Is In The Pudding And Don't Believe Everything You Read!