The art of the deal


Active Member
Im getting a harvest big enough to "let some extra stuff go" in afew months. Ive never bought directly from someone (always middlemen for some reason)

So how do I engage people about it? I can pick the smokers out of a crowd pretty easy but im not sure on approach. and good handoff techniques would be helpful for more public places should I have to resort to that.


Well-Known Member
For the handoff I usually shake hands when I first walk up, hand him the money in my hand, talk, shake hands again but this time hand off the weed


Well-Known Member
Only sell to people you know and let them think YOU have another source and never the grower. Friends are always good and long term customers is what you want.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Only offer to people you just got baked with. Start with smoking people up, after you see they smoke, than you know they are cool. If somebody ever sketches you out, ditch them! Your best bet is only sell to friends, and never mention your source. "I got a guy...."


Active Member
Source cover is "from the mountains" where people think all the best dank is grown. Is it a bad idea to say talk to people at coffee shops and in front of bookstores over a cig and see if they would be interested or would that be a no? I only have 5 friends who smoke and they usually get half off lol so I would need to build a customer base.

Also seeing as there is alot of new suburbs around my area (500k+ houses in a rural area) how would I go about approaching adults like 25+? That would be my prefered customer base so I can sell oz's and im good at being clean cut and professional with a good little variety for the people to choose from. so I dont have to deal with sketchy highschoolers after dubs and 1/8ths. though mainly because if the highschoolers get caught im sure it would go to me.

Im also going to try to open up one of the first Nc dispensaries should 1380 pass ;) as a side note lol


Active Member
just like they said sell to friends ive met so many people threw say 1 guy they have friends who have friends who have family it never ends ive met some really cool people threw some scumbags heinsight is a bitch


Active Member
i wud say the handshake thing is tha best way to not make it look hot, as long as u dnt mak the handshake stupid looking. but i wud get the muney 1st if you givin it to them, if u gettin off em get tha weed 1st. as for pickin people out, jus deal 2 peopl u smoke wit on a regular basis so u kno they kewl.