The Aerogarden Challenge!!!!


Well-Known Member
***Minor Overhaul Changed Seeds****

I've been reading a lot about comparing Yields from the same strain ect ect so here it is:

1 AG (model I don't know, bought at Bed bath and beyond it's black has 7 slots and 2 bulbs it's 1 month old)
The Strain: Feminized Reserva Privada Purple Wreck Seeds

I did the following:

I took similar sized seeds and planted them as follows:

I put 1 AG Cherry tomato tab into the AG (I have some Herb if you think I should switch I can dump the water and restart the solution)
I have a bubble stone in the AG and filled the water high as it goes, set it on Tomato.

Towel in glass Germinating 4 seeds then trasfering them tomorrow I will take pictures as often as possible starting tomorrow when I catch my bro and the camera :)

I will take and post pictures first chance I get later tonight or tomorrow everything is all set up, but I don't have the camera right now. I will try my very best to care for all the plants equally, I'd really like to see just for me and other that are beginners who ask... What is the over all value and yielding ability of my AG, considering it's foot print and grow ability.:weed:

Advice welcome!


Well-Known Member
Today the Purple Wreck germinated so I am moving 2 into the AG
1 into Sponge and one in soil plug cut to fit into the AG pod.

I'll get some pics in a few days not much has really happened except one of the AK48 (I said 47 earlier, but it's supposed to be nirvana ak48) in the Ebb n Flo is growing much faster than the others it will be quite a plant (I'm hoping to make this one a mother if all goes well)


Well-Known Member
AK48 Day 6 No point taking pics they are still just sprouts but they are looking very nice and plants in both environments are about the same size now, except one I have assigned a 26w CFL full spectrum lighting 1" away(it's growing like crazy at least 4x the size of the others).

The Purple Wreck is a slow starter compared to AK. It took longer to germinate and sprouts are growing and shedding the seed shell much slower, it seems. I helped one out yesterday because I was sure it would die without a hand it's looking ok today. The one in the Aerogarden sponge is still pushing up. The modified soil plugs seem more favorable although there could be problems with them down the road from excessive moisture (I doubt it because I'm used some good bacteria to help protect them, but we'll see)

I know the update is mostly chatty :) Just not much going on.


Well-Known Member
Not much to say, yesterday's message pretty much sums it up.:bigjoint:

Actually there's a small bit 1st pic is AK48 with PW behind it, 2nd is the same on the other side, 3rd is 2 AK48 in E&F and just a tad bigger. 4th is the 1 AK48 kept under a very close by CFL. Those are 2 recently germinated G13 Fem. Thai Skunk. The purple Wreck for the E&F system hasn't even poppped up lol. This comparison is going to be a pain if I don't get a Female in each system lol.

One last comment from my other experiences so far I have to say the AG is so low maintenance by comparison it is already mounting value, in that it is fool proof. I have at least 4-6 hours of maintenance time into the E&F and DWC I have going.



Well-Known Member
yeah that would suck if you get stuck with all males in one of the setups, looks good so far bro.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the pics new camera next week. For now here's the last weeks progress. I lost all the Pwreck in the Ebb and flo causes unknown lol.

On the happy side of news I have 7 girls in the bloom room and 4 AK48 are looking great in the E&F. The Aerogarden continues to lose a little ground on foliage size, I added 32w bulbs in place of the 23w I had in there. I hope my luck with the females continues I got 7 of 8 females from my Diesel/Purple grow. 4-5 weeks from harvest on a couple of them, I can't wait!



Well-Known Member
Still early in the plants' development, I added a nut tab today I've been adding one every week on Wed/Thu. Here's a few pics the AK is looking great and they are starting to drink a ton of water suddenly so they must be about ready to move into 12/12. I'm planning a Day 30 Oct25th move to 12/12 and start feeding fruiting nuts.



Well-Known Member
Today I was doing some serious gardening and preparing some experimental growing. I really took the time to closely examine all my plants, in all my grows. I discovered something about the AG that might be helpful for all AG users. The soil sponge plugs I cut to fit the AG, well those plants are CLEARLY at least a conservative 20% bigger than the ones in the AG brand sponges. Both the AK48 plant and Purple Wreck plant in the plugs are growing faster and built better root structures, I'd like to provide photo proof but when i tried to lift the plants out of the AG to expose the roots for a snap they were too tangled and I wasn't willing to risk the experiment for a few snaps. Trust me it's an accurate observation. Look at the last 2 pics the PW is clearly bigger in the plug on the right. the same applies to the AK 48 and the extra lamp is in the middle so it can't be that since the soil plugs are criss cross from each other one from left one rear right.



Well-Known Member
Well one AK-48 is a freakin male:evil:, look at these pics they autoflowered on me:-? ? they've been 18/6 and I cover them when the lights shut off. It had to be stress from topping it, I didn't top the other. good thing.

So if pic one is a male is pic 2 a female? Kinda looks like it, 2 days ago those balls weren't there for pic 1, or the pistils on pic 2.



Well-Known Member
Not the best quality pics but it's an update until I get a better camera.

The Girls are getting big! I'm going to start them on flower next Sat the 1st
going to add a nutrient tab tomorrow. If all goes well I will have a nice update this weekend of all my grows.:weed:



Well-Known Member
I have what seems to be 1 female AK48 and 1 Female Purple Wreck. I moved them into bloom on Saturday morning. They have completely outgrown all the plants I have in the Ebb and flo, I don't know how or why but they have. I have one plant in the Ebb that was 'special' it appears to be a hermie and is actually the largest plant. There are what appears to be pollen sacks and 2 pistils poking out but they don't look like males usually do so I'm going to hold out hope and keep in another week or 2 and if it's hermie I have a friend willing to take IT and grow seeds for future adventures.:fire:

please continue to peek in as I will update at least once a week and try to get a better camera in the next week or two.

