The 3rd best high I've ever had......


New Member
I got a bottom nug off a G13 Diesel Auto I haven't harvested yet, got it as a freebie from Attitude, dried it for 3 days, no curing at all, and smoked a resinator pipe sized bowl full. It took about 30 minutes to kick in, and I was sitting on the couch watching the Beverly Hillbillies, and I found myself unable to stop laughing. OMG, the genius of Granny buying all of Mrs. Drysdale's donated unwanted stuff at a charity sale and giving it back to her at Xmas, I was dying. Then Mrs. Drysdale got thrown in jail for shoplifting!!! Because granny stuffed some of her own unwanted stuff in her purse!!! I just about dropped my daughter and I had to leave the room. I was dying, my chest and ribs were hurting from laughing too much. I was seriously worried I was going to ruin my laugh box.

So to all the naysayers, that was yesterday, and I wouldn't hesitate to grow a few auto's in the future.

The best high I have ever had is a very long story, as is the second. One involved some horribly depressing movies, and the other was when I "overdosed" on some $150 dollar a quarter weed.


New Member
The best high I ever had was when I rented "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie" , "Dying Young", and "Shakes the Clown" and watched them in that order, stoned and drunk out of my gourd. I never quit laughing, even thru "dying young", with Julia roberts being a nurse to some dude dying from cancer. In fact, that was the funniest movie of the three. this was at a common area in a fish cannery housing up in alaska...people were thinking I had gone insane, gulping down huge tablespoon fulls of rocky road and slamming Taquitos and beer after beer after beer.

By the time I started watching "Shakes the Clown" I was so ridiculously wasted, it was just a nonstop laugh-a-thon. I couldn't quit. I DID fall off the couch, I DID spit out beer, I did cry with laughter, and my ribs felt like chop-suey the next day.


Well-Known Member
OMG, is there now a "SPONE" bob square pants? If its any funnier than SpongeBob, I'll have to quit watching TV, especially with 5 young kids. FYI, don't watch Sponge Bob stoned out of your mind.
WHat?! Spongebob is the freakin BEST when you're stoned out of your mind! That, and The Regular Show and Adventure Time. Most hilarious kids cartoons I've ever seen... I seriously can't stop laughing when I watch those 3 with a fat bowl pack.


Well-Known Member
WHat?! Spongebob is the freakin BEST when you're stoned out of your mind! That, and The Regular Show and Adventure Time. Most hilarious kids cartoons I've ever seen... I seriously can't stop laughing when I watch those 3 with a fat bowl pack.
id rather go with robot chicken

but had a laughing fit watching YO GABBA GABBA !!!!!!!!!!