The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
Here is my girl she is somewhere around 4 weeks slowly putting her on bloom nutes now she is crystal limit reg. Started showing her sex last week and is now starting to pistle up now.. How's she looking?
Looking great :) I would top her now before the flowers fully form, it will allow the lower branches to thicken up and get more light.
i use hesi tnt from the get go......2ml from day 1.......working up to 5ml per litre in the first 2 weeks......tnt is fairly forgiving........i add 1 teaspoon of epsom to 1 gal of feed when the plants are around 3 weeks old, do this every feed til half way through flower to keep em green...........i use the tnt til 2-3 weeks in flower...............then either hesi coco which is bloom feed or b cuzz bloom feed plus start adding pk............
Ok..thanks man. Is this everyday or every other day feeding? How should i do this? Also epsom means epsom salt right? What is pk? Also,i assume that you follow the directions for the bloom feed? Will any or most bloom feeds do? Dont laugh...i'm a noob


Well-Known Member
del, my seedlings are about 1 week and half since popping, when should i start feeding them the nutes? ans i. understand its 1/4 strength?

gonna use the canna coco nutes
yeah feed them 1/4 nutes and build up...........mine get a low dose from the day they go in the coco......


Active Member
Del don't u feed every time?? How far do u let the coco dry out??? I'm doin some autos n coco I have a 600 hps a 400 mh for veg n two flowering led panels. One on each side of my hps.. I want to c how they compare to your 12 fs cuz they run on 18.5 all day lol pricey shit there.. there's a link to my current grow check em out.. also do u flush throughout the grow?? And do u do lower feedings to prevent any salt build up??


Well-Known Member
Del don't u feed every time?? How far do u let the coco dry out??? I'm doin some autos n coco I have a 600 hps a 400 mh for veg n two flowering led panels. One on each side of my hps.. I want to c how they compare to your 12 fs cuz they run on 18.5 all day lol pricey shit there.. there's a link to my current grow check em out.. also do u flush throughout the grow?? And do u do lower feedings to prevent any salt build up??
i hit mine with nutes as soon as they are cracked and put in coco........2ml hesi tnt per the strat to encourage roots i let the pots dry out a adults they are fed full dose veg or bloom nutes, i tend to feed alternate days but if they need more in late flower i feed each day............little bit off runoff seems to stop salt build up.


Well-Known Member
Hi del just been reading an old thread about lollypopping ,uncle ben and some others arguing for 50 odd pages ,and you in the middle cracking jokes,the one about his rice cracked me up lol.
i remember it well.....almost.............keeping good humour seems to work in those situations, some peeps just take themselves much to seriously..


Well-Known Member
Ok..thanks man. Is this everyday or every other day feeding? How should i do this? Also epsom means epsom salt right? What is pk? Also,i assume that you follow the directions for the bloom feed? Will any or most bloom feeds do? Dont laugh...i'm a noob
yeah epsom salts, mix in boiling water before you add, pk is an extra nute to promote more bud.....hammerhead pk is tops in my book.......yeah follow the instructions but also watch your plants to see what they need.......any bloom should do, coco specific maybe better, i use either hesi or b cuzz but have used canna, ionic, ......hesi is simple as its 1 feed for veg and 1 for bloom.


Well-Known Member
Hi Del. I'm thinking about giving Coco another shot. What kind of temps are you dealing with in your grow area? Humidity? I'm afraid If Its not cool enough at the roots it will screw me up. Thats why im using hydroton and cool water to keep the rootzone cool. But dang coco looks so much simpler and easier and great results. Could I get away with 85 temps and 50 percent humidity do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hi Del. I'm thinking about giving Coco another shot. What kind of temps are you dealing with in your grow area? Humidity? I'm afraid If Its not cool enough at the roots it will screw me up. Thats why im using hydroton and cool water to keep the rootzone cool. But dang coco looks so much simpler and easier and great results. Could I get away with 85 temps and 50 percent humidity do you think?
hello mate, cant say as i have ever checked humidity, i did buy a dehumidifier for flowering though, i dont even check my temps, plants seem ok though, but i did reduce down to just a 600 in my cab.......cant beat coco in my opinion , just so easy to use.


Yeah, used already vaped bud for the first run as trial. So it was dried and cured

chlorophyll is the enemy and is what will turn you lung butter black instead of golden brown.
Also freeze the bud and the iso at lowest temp possible.

will send you through my process this evening.
Still shocked at how much came out of the vape poo lol
I have found that I love makn BHO... it use to be something i was like no way about... cause of the butane... but i gotta say, clearest extraction ive ever done... i ran it on avb.... like 8 grams gave me almost a full gram of some AVB-BHO... my first run was with some popcorn bud and i got .9 from 5 grams exactly.... butane doesn't extract the chlorophyll or the water due to its polar properties... ive got such an itch to run some more i may put up some pictures when i do... thing i love about it... is it smells and tastes just like the flowers that it came from.... fucking gorgeous mate! all i have to do is dry it... no need for cure at all... so while my flowers dry.... I DAB!!!!


Active Member
O n id like to use those bumpy air pots next tim have u tried / recomend them... btw your grows are great I want to do that style so I'm trying autos first I'm lookin for 2-1.5 off a plant wich I feel is feasible but that way I can do a lot of strains and keep em coming in n out whenever I want if I don't get results. With the auto ill be doing 12 fs for sure


Well-Known Member
Airports are great.. but be prepared to water daily
Also autos are not meant to be run 12-12.. most are recommended to be run at 18-6 through entire lifecycle start to finish, one of the reasons I gave them up.

O n id like to use those bumpy air pots next tim have u tried / recomend them... btw your grows are great I want to do that style so I'm trying autos first I'm lookin for 2-1.5 off a plant wich I feel is feasible but that way I can do a lot of strains and keep em coming in n out whenever I want if I don't get results. With the auto ill be doing 12 fs for sure