THC Bomb Marijuana


just about to order these seeds (dont no if im allowed to post links sorry and remove it if im not)

does anyone know if these are any good and any tips on growing?
want to start them off in a old fish tank under florecents, think my big light will be to hot and costs a bomb on eleccy but not sure on what florecent lights to use and how long for, first time from a seed so need the help thanks guys

if anyone can find any better seeds i can get in the uk please let me know, looking for plants for beginners(or sumthing i wont kill on my first go) gets you high and grows a fat yeild. . . that would be my ideal plant


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spam reported! will be taken care or shortly...soon as a mod gets the report they will delete posts posted by saimblahblah blha...hahhaha


Well-Known Member
I could suggest LSD from barneys .. I just startet 2 .. schould be a easy plant for beginers .. strong and hardy ..

about light .. do some research .. but some nice small florecents wont be a bad start .. just remember they will need much more as they grow .. specialy once they flower ..

I dont know anything about you .. your space and budget aso. but a nice 6-8 tube T5HO fixture can easily grow some nice plants and be a good start for a beginer ..

if you know sumthing about bulbs ?
try to get the 2700K and 6500K tybes (5000K can also be used) and of course the more watt/Lumens the better ..


Active Member
i have two plant going a berry bomb and a thc bomb i dont have a link but there under dwc bubbleponic forum the thread is 103 degrees help a brotha out should be at the top seeing how i juss put some pics up from the thc bomb have a look if ur interested ne question u have ill be more than happy to answer