THC Bomb Grow And More

Hi everybody! So about two and a half weeks ago I started my first grow, I chose to pick a few different strain. The strains are the following

Auto bubblelicious
THC Bomb
Kandy Kush
Crystal M.E.T.H (kinda of a weird name)

After receiving them in the male I tossed the seeds in water and let them germinate.

For the setup I have a flower room and a veg room. The veg room is just a closet which had a bar perfect for hanging the light. My flower room is actually a 4x4x7 grow tent. Both rooms will run hydroponics (drip for veg flood for flower) and will use fox farm trio for the nutrients also some calmag. In the veg room I have two circle trays which are about a foot and half across all around. The reservoir is between the two is between the two trays and the pump drips water on them 3 times a day. For the lighting I started with t12's (didn't work) and bought a grow lamp for t5's. For the flower tent it has a 3x3 tray that floods three times a day with a rock clay medium. For the light I have a 600w hps and for heat control a inline fan with a carbon filter attached.

That's basically my setup, for the plants they all germinated within 24 hours and planted in rockwool. They sprouted in about a day but had a very bad first 2 weeks. As this is my first grow I wasn't aware that with hydroponics you need extra magnesium and calcium and also my light had way to few lumans. The pants stretched kinda bad but have come back after I improved the lighting and added calmag two days ago. Here are some pictures from today

The calmag deficiency has definitely dispeared from the leaves and are deffinitly growing much faster. Ill update when I can. Also all feedback and suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
updates??? this is like a month old. im pretty sure dude either aint doing it justice, or at least aint showing us so... id love to see those strains in action tho. im smoking some kandy kush atm. very og like even w/ the trainwreck mixed in. indica heavy high.
So the grows about two months now but I have pictures from a few days apart a time.

Feb 4th the plants are still on 18/6 The first picture is of the two Thc Bombs in the front and the painkiller in the background. The second picture is of all 4 of the bubblelicious. The M.e.t.h and Kandy died unfortunately :-|

Feb 10th The first pic is of the bubblelicious and the second is of the painkiller and the thc bombs.

Feb 12th The day I switched them to 12/12
Just wanted to seperate them into to posts but heres three more dates.

Feb 16th 4 days into flower. The Thc Bombs are the two plants in the bottom right and left corners of the tray the painkiller is in the back right corner and the rest are bubblelicious in the middle.

Feb 24th 12 days into flower

Feb 26th 14 days into flower

Well now im back up to date I will try to update more frequently now. Tell me what you guys think so far and if you have any suggestions. Thanks! :weed:
Feb 27th 15 days into flower
Little bit of growth, the one bubblelicious is way ahead of the other three bubblelicious. I just confirmed sex on the two thc bombs. So far everything is looking good.


Active Member
Loving the look of your grow, man. I was thinking of getting some THC Bomb or Cluster Bomb. I've not heard of painkiller before. Where are they from?
March 4th 20 days into flower
All the plants have started to flower now. The one bubblelicious is definitely the longest into flower though. The first two Pictures are of the one bubblelicious.

J. Smoker

Active Member
Is it just me, or do the bubblelicious have a number of different phenos. As for the THC Bomb, I cracked 10, 7 males. Out of the 3 females, one was a definite keeper. If you dont mind me asking, what are you keeping the ppm's at. I vegged at 500-600 and have been flowering at 900 tops and have been blessed thus far.



Active Member
Thanks for getting back to me. From the reviews I've read, it sounds like I would like the sound of the taste.

How's the grow going? Got any more pics?
Im vegging my thc bombs inside for 75 days in 5 gallons then moving them into 50gallon smart pots in the great outdoors SUPERCROP! SUPERCROP! SUPERCROP! Plenty of direct sun. Pretty happy camper


New Member
looks tasty dude any updates ??? would love to stick around and watch this ,,, im doing a thc bomb run too