Thank You Severance pay


Well-Known Member
So i got these thirty babies in the party cups, they're starting to get pretty big too, usually at this point . I switch over to their next and last container.

But since these weren't purchase feminized, there is a good chance that some will be male.

So do you guys think i will be cool leaving these babies in the party cups till i determine sex? I just don't need to be wasting soil money or time. Just hoping I won't affect yield and rooot development too much

Anyone with experience please feel free to respond


Well-Known Member
sex them asap if you wanna leave them in the solo cups. you should be fine, but youll have to be pretty fast about determining the sex, and the transplant during flower will shock them a bit. you should be fine tho


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your job loss man. how's that hope and change working for ya....?

I like your grow tho and I like the idea behind it. I wasnt sure how big they would get being 12/12 all the way through but Im amazed with what Im seeing :clap:

I feel ya on not wanting to spend more than you have to and I agree with higherlearning. you just better be quick with the transplanting once they do sex

im scribed tho bongsmilie


sorry to hear you lost your job man.... theyre some nice lookin male plants ya got there... you gonna make hemp paper so you can write a cv for yer next minimum wage job??


Active Member
Ill be watching this one...

Looks great so far...over 50 plants right? Wish I could get that many going at once. I have neither the skill or room for that...yet anyways.


Well-Known Member

I have pulled around 4 males already and sexed 4 females from my small army of dwarfs . Everyone's looking good, no signs of diseases or pests. the white widow is looking really white which is cool.

the fuckin sativa i'm growing though is retarded. it's the same age as the WW and AK47 but has tiny pistil, no buds and is growing sooo slow. is this a charastic of sativa's or root rot ??:-?

anyway here the pics


fam shot

white widow

sativa- thai super skunk



Well-Known Member
Whats up HammerTime! That lil army of clones are lookin pretty good!
That thai super skunk looks like a poor phenotype! I had a WW do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
yo hammer,

looks good man. glad to see another texan growin. i'll be watching this the rest of the way.

peace bro


Well-Known Member
Ok we're on day 48 of my accelerated growth program ( purpose: harvest in 90 days using 12/12 from seed)

For those just ddropping in, All the flowering ones are good genetics at day 48, the other 30 are bagseeds that were started a few weeks after the flowering ones.

The big flowering ones are White Widow and AK47

here's the pics

White Widow



White Widow


Family Shot



Well-Known Member
as far as the TSS plants, i have them going and they do take forever. they smell very sweet, if they would ever fill out they might make good smoke. i took clones and because the 1st set i started had much stress am going to see if the clones will do better than the parents under better conditions. so far yours look very similar to mine... nice growing...

as far as this:
Oh and give me some damn +rep points if you wish you had my grow . JJ but no seriously show some luv
seriously? begging for rep is bad form...


Well-Known Member
lst that tall ass sativa. youll be happy with what happens. right now she is too stringy and she is about grow through the frickin roof


Well-Known Member
maybe I'm nuts...but your plants looks stretched and your yield looks like it will be not very good...considering the space you have, the light you have etc...

my .02