texas pwnd


Well-Known Member
Wow, congratulations on not being able to look any further forward than your nose. A vast majority of the people who cannot go anywhere are incredibly impoverished.

So when you have zero money and zero relatives outside of the area being hit by a hurricane, how the fuck do you pay for a commute to another state and a week long hotel stay?

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Cause Hanna was a blow over, and people are ignorant.

I for one welcome the newly crowned Apocalypse that has begun in this, the 21st century.

*lights up*

Edit to seratonin: A) start walking B) don't be a bum in hurricane territory


Well-Known Member
Wow, congratulations on not being able to look any further forward than your nose. A vast majority of the people who cannot go anywhere are incredibly impoverished.

So when you have zero money and zero relatives outside of the area being hit by a hurricane, how the fuck do you pay for a commute to another state and a week long hotel stay?
i'm speaking of those who "refused to leave" and now are crying for help. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I've seen enough well done reports on the reasons as to why many people stay, or are forced to stay. When all is said and done, sure there are many people who stay out of ignorance, all I'm saying is there are many people staying for very real and terrible reasons. There are tragedies that happen in these catastrophic events that are permanent and fatal.

Just imagine your hands are tied and you're gasping for air but submerged in muddy seawater.


Well-Known Member
"They had busses to take people to evacuation shelters. If the ride is free and the shelter is free then what is the problem?"

Yep... an they chose not to go... they deserve this...


Greedy bastards prob wanted to stay an loot....



Well-Known Member
they all knew they were facing possible death an did nothing.. they need a list of people who were able to leave that didnt and a list of people who couldnt even if they wanted to... then we just save those who need help an those who chose to stay and got raped

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Just imagine your hands are tied and you're gasping for air but submerged in muddy seawater.
I'd be cursing whoever tied me up!

No question its tragic, just as was Katrina. But these people know they live in hurricane territory, the same as I know I am in tornado alley.

But its natural and its the way of the world, mother nature must be respected.


Well-Known Member
No question its tragic, just as was Katrina. But these people know they live in hurricane territory, the same as I know I am in tornado alley.

But its natural and its the way of the world, mother nature must be respected.

:clap: Word


Well-Known Member
A lot of these people don't leave because they are scared that looters will rob them blind. People never think it will happen to them, and, it does. Very sad.

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
If people are that attached to their material objects they are already drowning in their own egos.

God Bless America


Well-Known Member
If people are that attached to their material objects they are already drowning in their own egos.

God Bless America
I don't think it is because they are attached to their materialistic things. I think they believe it won't happen to them. Then they don't want to leave out of fear of being robbed. I have personally been in this situation. It is a fear that when you do get home you will be coming home to nothing. All the things you work your whole life for will be gone, not to a natural disaster but to looters. It is an insecure feeling, and people handle it differently. I for one evacuated when they said leave. I did however toy with staying, and, I left because of my animals. I guess everyone is different and handle things differently. I will say that the authorities made it quite clear that if you did not evacuate you would not be helped. They also told us that if we did not evacuate and walked outside of our house we would be arrested....so to me, it was just smarter to leave and let the looters take what they wanted, which they did.


New Member
Greedy bastards prob wanted to stay an loot....


ding, ding, ding, tell 'em what he's won Johnny !!! :clap:

Maybe the laws should be changed to "looters will be shot" They see you with stuff, that isn't you address, BLAM right in the head. Done. I bet a lot less looting would go on.

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
I mean no offence to your opinion Sunnysideup, but:
A fear of being robbed is just a nice way to say attached to material objects, but these people aren't as attached to the material world as the looter. I haven't been in a rampant looter scenario, though I've had things stolen from me. Of course the initial reaction is feeling upset and insecure.

But I have been contemplating and meditating on such ideas as total loss of everything "owned" in a fire or by other means. I feel I have personally gotten to a point where I feel I could cope with and accept that kind of change in my life. It wouldn't be easy by any means, and I am not saying I wouldn't freak out at first.

I suppose the more time you invest into working on your mind and spirit the less importance you put on your four walls and the shit in it. And seeing things like looters in a hurricane disaster shows how unevolved and hopeless we are as the human race. And that only adds to the sadness of the whole situation.


Well-Known Member
I mean no offence to your opinion Sunnysideup, but:
A fear of being robbed is just a nice way to say attached to material objects, but these people aren't as attached to the material world as the looter. I haven't been in a rampant looter scenario, though I've had things stolen from me. Of course the initial reaction is feeling upset and insecure.

But I have been contemplating and meditating on such ideas as total loss of everything "owned" in a fire or by other means. I feel I have personally gotten to a point where I feel I could cope with and accept that kind of change in my life. It wouldn't be easy by any means, and I am not saying I wouldn't freak out at first.

I suppose the more time you invest into working on your mind and spirit the less importance you put on your four walls and the shit in it. And seeing things like looters in a hurricane disaster shows how unevolved and hopeless we are as the human race. And that only adds to the sadness of the whole situation.
No offense taken, not at all.
Thank you for showing me a different way of looking at it, you enlightened me!
Very well put....:peace: