Tested temps & humidity...do i need exhaust/intakes?


Hey all,

I am nearing the end of my growbox build (see my journal here for the details) and decided to test the temps and humidity within the box before fitting my fans.

The box is located in my shed, which is in my garden with no type of insulation so the outside temps will affect the environment of the shed and thus, I guess would affect the box temps (colder the shed, the colder the box).

I opened the box up at 8:30am and I found that after 10 hours of the 4 85W CFL's being on with the box closed and the two holes for where the intake and exhaust will be situated, the temp was 73 degrees and the humidity at 41%. From what I have read I would imagine that this is pretty much ideal and so I was wondering whether I need to install the pc fans for the exhaust or the intake?

I am worried that if I do install them then I will end up lowering the temp and this is not going to be great. The outside weather is unpredictable where I am as it has been raining non-stop and been rather cold for the last 2 weeks (10 degrees) but for the next few days the temps could rise to 21 degrees and so I think this could have an effect on the temp of the box.

I want to do some more testing and so I am going to put the lights on the 18/6 cycle that I usually would and then go in regularly and check the temps. But back to my original question...can I do with passive intakes/exhausts or should I fit the fans?


The 10 hours your lights were on a generally the coldest hours for outside temps.. night fall to sunrise.. After 830 your shed is going to just keep going up in temperature since there's nothing circulating the air. I tried an outdoor shed/garage and it can work, however as we get deeper into the winter the shed will get colder so you'll need to be dynamic in your temperature control. Outside of exhaust/intake for temperature, consider the the air circulation of the box. You dont want air being sealed in/getting stale. The plants need air circulation - Generally 3 times the volume of the box every 5 minutes.

((LxWxH)feet x 3) / 5 minutes = the CFM rating you'll need on your fan.

If it were me I would try to get some sort of intake/exhaust setup and then use a a heat source of manage temperatures during the winter.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
.... consider the the air circulation of the box. You dont want air being sealed in/getting stale. The plants need air circulation ....
agreed. you need air circulation. my first box was 4x4x7.started w/ a 400 w mh and added a 400 w hps to flower.I had a single pc fan running 24/7 to exhaust air out(passive intake) and 2 more tied to a thermostat to keep temps down. this was in a barn & used only in winter. it also had a heater to keep temps up when lights out.


Active Member
Third that. Plants need fresh air to thrive. I'd use a little thermostatically controlled space heater in conjunction with light heat to keep it warm. I have a variable speed thermostatic fan speed controller and it worked great all summer. What I am noticing now that it is cooler is that it keeps my cab nice and warm even when the ambient temp is low with the heat from my 400w, although my room doesn't get as cool as a barn.

Here's my controller: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/351640-fan-control-cap-vsc-dne.html