Tent and hydro nft setup heeeelllp


I have a 90cm x 90 1.2m high indoor grow . I had four ten litre tubs under a 400w light in coco and air post .. All vented ect, setup is pro setup ... I had to lollipop my plants because it was such a small place the bottom was receiving little if no light.... So I was thinking is there away round this but not topping ! Or am I better to put 2 plants in a nft setup = plants get more light and more bud or 4 plants and risk the over crowding... Any advice or info greatful :) only my second grow so a newbie really


Well-Known Member
With that space its crying out for 2plants NFT and a SCROG for the entire space of the tent. Plenty of oscillating fans should up your yields depending upon what they currently stand at.

I tend to pull 4oz x4 plants in coco under 400w. My space is a little bigger than yours at 3.5ftx7ftx8ft.



What ya think nft more yield or coco, I getting good yield on coco but as I said its only half plant budding really :( what height do you grow yours to if your dog or scrog ect ? I grow 1.5 feet then switch to flower and they nearly hit top of my tent 1.2 meters but so bushy also , I will try add pic if I can figure out how to :/