Temporary Lighting Help


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I have a few ladies that need to be relocated for about 5-7 days (long horrific story there :wall: ). I cannot really move the 600hps with them as it will cause a heat problem without venting and cause a lot of attention to neighbors. They have been in flower for about a week. I was thinking of putting them by a sliding glass door (no one can see them tho, it has a short covered patio outside). Is this enough light for them? I really do not want to stress them at this crucial flower period. Any bad effects on the plants from this? Any help appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
it should be ok for the few hours that the sun hits the window. make sure that there is no drafts from the door. but u might have to figure out how to get them light for when the sun isnt hitting the window!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice
My only option would be like flouro set up which I know isnt enough light for flower - so would like 9-10 hrs of sunlight through the door plus 2-3 hours of flouros work?


Well-Known Member
Light through glass is not very good light at all, the glass reflects or absorbs much of the energy, you would probably be better off with putting the plants under some flouro shop lights.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks for the help all. I think I may end up either not moving my plants or putting them under a ghetto rig with my hps for a few days


Well-Known Member
well hun a ghetto set up is better then none at all lol
i had my 8 babies growing just by the light from the picture window for a few days and it didnt hurt them at all i put them back on 12/12 when i got my box set up.
they are doin just as good as if they never left the room