Temperatures get low.

Is it ok If when my light goes off the temperatures drop down to 58 degrees. I mean when the light is on the temperature is fine.

Im not really sure what i can do to keep the temperature up when the light goes off.

Whats the worst that can happen?

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
From what I've read low temps will slow down growth. Someone hear gave a tip to another person who had the same problem to use your lights at night when temps are lower and lights off during the warmer parts of the day. You could stagger it enough to have lights on time when you are there to work with your plants.Like lights on at 11pm and off at 11 am, gives you time at night after 11 and before work in the am ..Good luck with your grow..


Active Member
Get a timer and a space heater. Have the fucker come on for 15 minutes every hour when the lights are off.


Well-Known Member
space heater is the way to go, i have one in my room for heat @ night when the lites are off..


No need for a timer, just keep a little heater at a low setting that will pop on when the temp gets low.

Assuming you have a thermometer (preferably with memory) you can just trial-and-error tweak the heater so it keeps the plants optimum at night. The temps are fine during lights on, so the heater has no need to heat.

I use a similar low-budget heating strategy, but kind of in reverse, heater comes on with lights to maintain 78F -ish because I am using LEDs and they don't make much heat, I am trying for a 15 -20 degree F drop at night, works well usually, but it has been near freezing out so I have been getting into the 50s, somewhat concerning.

58F isn't too terrible; mid 60s are better for night temp.

The worst that can happen is that you will stunt growth and miss out on super sweet nugs of crystally wonder.:o

The best thing would be to get a day/ night temperature controller with adjustable temp. settings for day and night temps. I think they are like $150ish.

Either way a cheap little heater is what you're gonna need.

hope this helps


Active Member
Dont forget that those small space heaters draw a ton of watts so they will probably need their own circuit.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
For sixty five bucks with tax or thereabouts, you can pick up an oil filled electric radiator at home depot. I got the one made by Kenwood. It has a remote, you can set an on and off time, it has a high, medium and low setting and works great. I only use it on the low setting, I'm not trying to heat the room, just not let it fall below sixty. I also lined the inside of my grow room with foam sheet insulation, I think it has like an r-5 factor? My problem is heat and humidity, I live in florida in a house that is almost sixty years old and has no central air. My house might be from the last century, but my grow room isn't.


Dont forget that those small space heaters draw a ton of watts so they will probably need their own circuit.
Good point, hooray for safety! If heat only needs to come on at night, then it might not be an issue.

How big is your grow space by the way?

I was checking things out and you can pick up one of those day/night temp. controllers on Amazon for like $70, I'll probably get one when I get some money. Until then it looks like I will be manually adjusting my heater for a while. :(


ink the world

Well-Known Member
I dont think that 58 is too low, outdoor temps here in Sept. and Oct. can get down much cooler than that at night.
Its cold where I am, my flowering closet gets down to that temp too, i have no problems.