Temperature & Humidity Data Logger / Recorder


Active Member
Just wondering has anyone any experience of using these devices, they look quite good.
It's an area of my growing process which I would like to control a little better. I feel if I could monitor the complete environment more closely I could improve on my yield etc. Because I can only access my grow area during the dark hours I can only monitor my temps etc for a few minutes at a time.


Is there any other cheaper methods of recording these variables on a 24 hour basics?


Active Member
Wondering if you ever used this. I'm picking one up next week from a friend who sells these and other instruments. I was thinking the same thing as far as giving me a good overall outlook at what my room is doing over a 24 hour cycle. Wondering if the data helped you tweek your room?


Active Member
Here's a little over 24 hour snapshot of what my veg room is doing minute by minute. Interesting to see the humidity climb and then a big bump in R/H when the lights kick on and the plants start to absorb light.

veg room.jpg