tell me what you guys think


Active Member
this plant had its growth stunted for a while(not sure why) but its growth is pretty good now im using 3 26w 6500k.. its about 5 1/2 to 6'' tall but has growth in every you think i could start flowering now????it was in veg. for about 5 weeks..if i went into flower now what type of yield would i get???i can see about 3 spots where budds could be formed.
and does it look more indica or sativa dominant????


Active Member
but wont it more than double its size in flowering??i figured it would get a little over a foot??


Well-Known Member
sorry for the jokes, mike26b and welcome to the site!

My advice is to let it get at least twice as large before flowering - probably more like three times. i am no expert so i'm probably wrong but like most strains, it looks like an indica/sativa mix.


Active Member
yea im in no hurry but this particular plant seems to bee stunted compared to my others i just dont want to waste my time on it and find out its a male...3 26watt 6500 cfl's should be enough for just this plant right...???